
Sono stato incaricato di templatare il mysql il my.cnf in un tentativo standardizza la configurazione tra i database slave utilizzando Burattino.In questo momento, sto mirando le impostazioni InnoDB. Esistono opzioni di configurazione che possono essere calcolate in sicurezza contro le specifiche hardware come memoria, disco e procs?

È stato utile?


You need facter.

puppet:/etc/puppet/modules/master/lib/facter$ cat disks.rb
#require 'facter'

mount = `/bin/mount` 
mount.split("\n").each_with_index { | disk,i |
  unless disk.scan(/ext3|simfs|reiserfs|xfs/).empty?
    disks.push d
    disks.push ','

Facter.add('disks') do
 setcode do

` and in puppet.pp i use facts $disks

#add disk check to zabbix
exec { "create_host":
    command => "/bin/echo $fqdn $ipaddress $disks | do_work",
    require => File["/root/ticket"],
    subscribe => File["/root/ticket"],
    refreshonly => true,

see "Adding Custom Facts to Facter" on puppet labs.

Altri suggerimenti

I'd be tempted to move the calculations into the erb file, for example the key_buffer_size is recommended to be set to 1/4 of the Systems RAM:

set-variable = key_buffer_size=<%= (memorysize.split(' ')[0].to_i * 1024) / 4 -%>M

there is no reason why you couldn't work on other variables available from Facter (number of processors etc) and come up with your own calculations to set other variables as above.

Remember ERB effectively provides a subset of Ruby so almost anything you can do in Ruby can be done in ERB.

puppet have the erb template, erb template can use the facter value ,like hostname or memor. and you can write you self facter shell script.

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