
Ho due script in esecuzione sulla stessa pagina, uno è il jQuery.hSlides.js sceneggiatura http : // e l'altro è uno script personalizzato che viene utilizzato per l'integrazione lista MailChimp iscrizione. Il pannello hSlides può essere visto in effetti qui: . Ho spento la sceneggiatura MailChimp perché è stato in conflitto con lo script hSlides, inducendolo a non fallire completamente (come si vede qui ). Qualcuno può dirmi che cosa potrebbe essere fatto per lo script hSlides per fermare il conflitto con lo script MailChimp?

Il MailChimp Script

var fnames = new Array();
var ftypes = new Array();
fnames[0] = 'EMAIL';
ftypes[0] = 'email';
fnames[3] = 'MMERGE3';
ftypes[3] = 'text';
fnames[1] = 'FNAME';
ftypes[1] = 'text';
fnames[2] = 'LNAME';
ftypes[2] = 'text';
fnames[4] = 'MMERGE4';
ftypes[4] = 'address';
fnames[6] = 'MMERGE6';
ftypes[6] = 'number';
fnames[9] = 'MMERGE9';
ftypes[9] = 'text';
fnames[5] = 'MMERGE5';
ftypes[5] = 'text';
fnames[7] = 'MMERGE7';
ftypes[7] = 'text';
fnames[8] = 'MMERGE8';
ftypes[8] = 'text';
fnames[10] = 'MMERGE10';
ftypes[10] = 'text';
fnames[11] = 'MMERGE11';
ftypes[11] = 'text';
fnames[12] = 'MMERGE12';
ftypes[12] = 'text';
var err_style = '';
try {
    err_style = mc_custom_error_style;
} catch (e) {
    err_style = 'margin: 1em 0 0 0; padding: 1em 0.5em 0.5em 0.5em; background: rgb(255, 238, 238) none repeat scroll 0% 0%; font-weight: bold; float: left; z-index: 1; width: 80%; -moz-background-clip: -moz-initial; -moz-background-origin: -moz-initial; -moz-background-inline-policy: -moz-initial; color: rgb(255, 0, 0);';
var mce_jQuery = jQuery.noConflict();
mce_jQuery(document).ready(function ($) {
    var options = {
        errorClass: 'mce_inline_error',
        errorElement: 'div',
        errorStyle: err_style,
        onkeyup: function () {},
        onfocusout: function () {},
        onblur: function () {}
    var mce_validator = mce_jQuery("#mc-embedded-subscribe-form").validate(options);
    options = {
        url: '',
        type: 'GET',
        dataType: 'json',
        contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
        beforeSubmit: function () {
            mce_jQuery('.datefield', '#mc_embed_signup').each(function () {
                var txt = 'filled';
                var fields = new Array();
                var i = 0;
                mce_jQuery(':text', this).each(function () {
                    fields[i] = this;
                mce_jQuery(':hidden', this).each(function () {
                    if (fields[0].value == 'MM' && fields[1].value == 'DD' && fields[2].value == 'YYYY') {
                        this.value = '';
                    } else if (fields[0].value == '' && fields[1].value == '' && fields[2].value == '') {
                        this.value = '';
                    } else {
                        this.value = fields[0].value + '/' + fields[1].value + '/' + fields[2].value;
            return mce_validator.form();
        success: mce_success_cb

function mce_success_cb(resp) {
    if (resp.result == "success") {
        mce_jQuery('#mce-' + resp.result + '-response').show();
        mce_jQuery('#mce-' + resp.result + '-response').html(resp.msg);
        mce_jQuery('#mc-embedded-subscribe-form').each(function () {
    } else {
        var index = -1;
        var msg;
        try {
            var parts = resp.msg.split(' - ', 2);
            if (parts[1] == undefined) {
                msg = resp.msg;
            } else {
                i = parseInt(parts[0]);
                if (i.toString() == parts[0]) {
                    index = parts[0];
                    msg = parts[1];
                } else {
                    index = -1;
                    msg = resp.msg;
        } catch (e) {
            index = -1;
            msg = resp.msg;
        try {
            if (index == -1) {
                mce_jQuery('#mce-' + resp.result + '-response').show();
                mce_jQuery('#mce-' + resp.result + '-response').html(msg);
            } else {
                err_id = 'mce_tmp_error_msg';
                html = '<div id="' + err_id + '" style="' + err_style + '"> ' + msg + '</div>';
                var input_id = '#mc_embed_signup';
                var f = mce_jQuery(input_id);
                if (ftypes[index] == 'address') {
                    input_id = '#mce-' + fnames[index] + '-addr1';
                    f = mce_jQuery(input_id).parent().parent().get(0);
                } else if (ftypes[index] == 'date') {
                    input_id = '#mce-' + fnames[index] + '-month';
                    f = mce_jQuery(input_id).parent().parent().get(0);
                } else {
                    input_id = '#mce-' + fnames[index];
                    f = mce_jQuery().parent(input_id).get(0);
                if (f) {
                } else {
                    mce_jQuery('#mce-' + resp.result + '-response').show();
                    mce_jQuery('#mce-' + resp.result + '-response').html(msg);
        } catch (e) {
            mce_jQuery('#mce-' + resp.result + '-response').show();
            mce_jQuery('#mce-' + resp.result + '-response').html(msg);

Lo script hslides:

* hSlides (1.0) // 2008.02.25 // <>
* REQUIRES jQuery 1.2.3+ <>
* Copyright (c) 2008 TrafficBroker <>
* Licensed under GPL and MIT licenses
* hSlides is an horizontal accordion navigation, sliding the panels around to reveal one of interest.
* Sample Configuration:
* // this is the minimum configuration needed
* $('#accordion').hSlides({
*   totalWidth: 730, 
*   totalHeight: 140, 
*   minPanelWidth: 87, 
*   maxPanelWidth: 425
* });
* Config Options:
* // Required configuration
* totalWidth: Total width of the accordion // default: 0
* totalHeight: Total height of the accordion // default: 0
* minPanelWidth: Minimum width of the panel (closed) // default: 0
* maxPanelWidth: Maximum width of the panel (opened) // default: 0
* // Optional configuration
* midPanelWidth: Middle width of the panel (centered) // default: 0
* speed: Speed for the animation // default: 500
* easing: Easing effect for the animation. Other than 'swing' or 'linear' must be provided by plugin // default: 'swing'
* sensitivity: Sensitivity threshold (must be 1 or higher) // default: 3
* interval: Milliseconds for onMouseOver polling interval // default: 100
* timeout: Milliseconds delay before onMouseOut // default: 300
* eventHandler: Event to open panels: click or hover. For the hover option requires hoverIntent plugin <> // default: 'click'
* panelSelector: HTML element storing the panels // default: 'li'
* activeClass: CSS class for the active panel // default: none
* panelPositioning: Accordion panelPositioning: top -> first panel on the bottom and next on the top, other value -> first panel on the top and next to the bottom // default: 'top'
* // Callback functions. Inside them, we can refer the panel with $(this).
* onEnter: Function raised when the panel is activated. // default: none
* onLeave: Function raised when the panel is deactivated. // default: none
* We can override the defaults with:
* $.fn.hSlides.defaults.easing = 'easeOutCubic';
* @param  settings  An object with configuration options
* @author    Jesus Carrera <>
(function($) {
$.fn.hSlides = function(settings) {
    // override default configuration
    settings = $.extend({}, $.fn.hSlides.defaults, settings);
    // for each accordion
  return this.each(function(){
        var wrapper = this;
        var panelLeft = 0;
        var panels = $(settings.panelSelector, wrapper);
        var panelPositioning = 1;
        if (settings.panelPositioning != 'top'){
            panelLeft = ($(settings.panelSelector, wrapper).length - 1) * settings.minPanelWidth;
            panels = $(settings.panelSelector, wrapper).reverse();
            panelPositioning = -1;
        // necessary styles for the wrapper
        $(this).css('position', 'relative').css('overflow', 'hidden').css('width', settings.totalWidth).css('height', settings.totalHeight);
        // set the initial position of the panels
        var zIndex = 0;
            // necessary styles for the panels
            $(this).css('position', 'absolute').css('left', panelLeft).css('zIndex', zIndex).css('height', settings.totalHeight).css('width', settings.maxPanelWidth);
            zIndex ++;
            // if this panel is the activated by default, set it as active and move the next (to show this one)
            if ($(this).hasClass(settings.activeClass)){
                $.data($(this)[0], 'active', true);
                if (settings.panelPositioning != 'top'){
                    panelLeft = ($(settings.panelSelector, wrapper).index(this) + 1) * settings.minPanelWidth - settings.maxPanelWidth;
                    panelLeft = panelLeft + settings.maxPanelWidth;
                // check if we are centering and some panel is active
                // this is why we can't add/remove the active class in the callbacks: positioning the panels if we have one active
                if (settings.midPanelWidth && $(settings.panelSelector, wrapper).hasClass(settings.activeClass) == false){
                    panelLeft = panelLeft + settings.midPanelWidth * panelPositioning;
                    panelLeft = panelLeft + settings.minPanelWidth * panelPositioning;
        // iterates through the panels setting the active and changing the position
        var movePanels = function(){
            // index of the new active panel
            var activeIndex = $(settings.panelSelector, wrapper).index(this);
            // iterate all panels
                // deactivate if is the active
                if ( $.data($(this)[0], 'active') == true ){
                    $.data($(this)[0], 'active', false);
                // set position of current panel
                var currentIndex = $(settings.panelSelector, wrapper).index(this);
                panelLeft = settings.minPanelWidth * currentIndex;
                // if the panel is next to the active, we need to add the opened width 
                if ( (currentIndex * panelPositioning) > (activeIndex * panelPositioning)){
                     panelLeft = panelLeft + (settings.maxPanelWidth - settings.minPanelWidth) * panelPositioning;
                // animate
                $(this).animate({left: panelLeft}, settings.speed, settings.easing);
            // activate the new active panel
            $.data($(this)[0], 'active', true);
        // center the panels if configured
        var centerPanels = function(){
            var panelLeft = 0;
            if (settings.panelPositioning != 'top'){
                panelLeft = ($(settings.panelSelector, wrapper).length - 1) * settings.minPanelWidth;
                $(this).removeClass(settings.activeClass).animate({left: panelLeft}, settings.speed, settings.easing);
                if ($.data($(this)[0], 'active') == true){
                    $.data($(this)[0], 'active', false);
                panelLeft = panelLeft + settings.midPanelWidth * panelPositioning ;
        // event handling
        if(settings.eventHandler == 'click'){
            $(settings.panelSelector, wrapper).click(movePanels);
            var configHoverPanel = {
                sensitivity: settings.sensitivity,
                interval: settings.interval,
                over: movePanels,
                timeout: settings.timeout,
                out: function() {}
            var configHoverWrapper = {
                sensitivity: settings.sensitivity,
                interval: settings.interval,
                over: function() {},
                timeout: settings.timeout,
                out: centerPanels
            $(settings.panelSelector, wrapper).hoverIntent(configHoverPanel);
            if (settings.midPanelWidth != 0){
// invert the order of the jQuery elements
$.fn.reverse = function(){
    return this.pushStack(this.get().reverse(), arguments);
// default settings
$.fn.hSlides.defaults = {
    totalWidth: 0, 
    totalHeight: 0,
    minPanelWidth: 0,
    maxPanelWidth: 0,
    midPanelWidth: 0,
    speed: 500,
    easing: 'swing',
    sensitivity: 3,
    interval: 100,
    timeout: 300,
    eventHandler: 'click',
    panelSelector: 'li',
    activeClass: false,
    panelPositioning: 'top',
    onEnter: function() {},
    onLeave: function() {}
È stato utile?


Il $ non è più assegnato a jQuery. Non vedo quale altra biblioteca sta usando il $ comunque? Cosa succede quando si cambia

var mce_jQuery = jQuery.noConflict();


var mce_jQuery = jQuery;

Forse è solo che io non sto trovando la libreria che utilizza il $ che ha richiesto la chiamata a noConflict.

** Edit:. ** Prova riassegnazione il $ di nuovo a jQuery prima che le corse di script

Altri suggerimenti

Ho avuto un problema molto simile con il codice MailChimp personalizzato. Si scopre che un altro plugin stava prendendo il sopravvento jQuery e il simbolo $ non funzionava. Il suggerimento di Michael ha lavorato per me. Quello che ho fatto è stato semplicemente usare la parola chiave jQuery sulla linea $(document) nella parte superiore del codice MC.

Inoltre ho copiato script js MC dal server MailChimp, e sto ospitando io stesso.

Autorizzato sotto: CC-BY-SA insieme a attribuzione
Non affiliato a StackOverflow
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