
Currently i am working on globalization feature in windows phone 8 app. i am getting exception ('Object reference not set instance of an object') in App.xaml in following line.

RootFrame.Language = XmlLanguage.GetLanguage(AppResources.ResourceLanguage);

in AppResources.Designer.cs the definition of ResourceLangauge i have written as following.

    /// <summary>
    ///   Looks up a localized string similar to LeftToRight.
    /// </summary>
    public static string ResourceFlowDirection
            return ResourceManager.GetString("ResourceFlowDirection", resourceCulture);

    /// <summary>
    ///   Looks up a localized string similar to en-US.
    /// </summary>
    public static string ResourceLanguage
            return ResourceManager.GetString("ResourceLanguage", resourceCulture);

Please give me suggession where and what i am doing wrong ? Thank you in advance.



I have not written two keys in my AppResources.resx files keys are

ResourceFlowDirection   LeftToRight 
ResourceLanguage            en-US

i found this during debugging.

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