

編集: った場合-そのDateSerial実装を繰り返しに包まれたタイマー、DateSerialたより迅速に平均1-2ms(5走300回、1平均細胞ワークシート式も).



Public Function isLeapYear(Yr As Integer) As Boolean  

    ' returns FALSE if not Leap Year, TRUE if Leap Year  

    isLeapYear = (Month(DateSerial(Yr, 2, 29)) = 2)  

End Function  




public function isLeapYear (yr as integer) as boolean
    isLeapYear   = false
    if (mod(yr,400)) = 0 then isLeapYear  = true
    elseif (mod(yr,100)) = 0 then isLeapYear  = false
    elseif (mod(yr,4)) = 0 then isLeapYear  = true
end function



public function isLeapYear (yr as integer) as boolean
    if (mod(yr,4)) <> 0 then isLeapYear  = false
    elseif (mod(yr,400)) = 0 then isLeapYear  = true
    elseif (mod(yr,100)) = 0 then isLeapYear  = false
    else isLeapYear = true
end function


Public Function isLeapYear(Yr As Integer) As Boolean  

  ' returns FALSE if not Leap Year, TRUE if Leap Year  

  isLeapYear = (DAY(DateSerial(Yr, 3, 0)) = 29)  

End Function

こんに CodeToad :

Public Function IsLeapYear(Year As Varient) As Boolean
  IsLeapYear = IsDate("29-Feb-" & Year)
End Function 


Public Function ISLeapYear(Y As Integer) AS Boolean
 ' Uses a 2 or 4 digit year
'To determine whether a year is a leap year, follow these steps:
'1    If the year is evenly divisible by 4, go to step 2. Otherwise, go to step 5.
'2    If the year is evenly divisible by 100, go to step 3. Otherwise, go to step 4.
'3    If the year is evenly divisible by 400, go to step 4. Otherwise, go to step 5.
'4    The year is a leap year (it has 366 days).
'5    The year is not a leap year (it has 365 days).

If Y Mod 4 = 0 Then ' This is Step 1 either goto step 2 else step 5
    If Y Mod 100 = 0 Then ' This is Step 2 either goto step 3 else step 4
        If Y Mod 400 = 0 Then ' This is Step 3 either goto step 4 else step 5
            ISLeapYear = True ' This is Step 4 from step 3
                Exit Function
        Else: ISLeapYear = False ' This is Step 5 from step 3
                Exit Function
        End If
    Else: ISLeapYear = True ' This is Step 4 from Step 2
            Exit Function
    End If
Else: ISLeapYear = False ' This is Step 5 from Step 1
End If

End Function
Public Function isLeapYear(Optional intYear As Variant) As Boolean

    If IsMissing(intYear) Then
        intYear = Year(Date)
    End If

    If intYear Mod 400 = 0 Then
        isLeapYear = True
    ElseIf intYear Mod 4 = 0 And intYear Mod 100 <> 0 Then
        isLeapYear = True
    End If

End Function

私は多くのコンセプトなのかを示す追加の理解 使用日の機能を素晴ら...のコード効率..を考慮するマシンコードに必要な機能を実行す

より複雑な機能日 利用のみにかなりの高速整数の機能 基礎が築いた後藤 思うように以下の高速化

  Function IsYLeapYear(Y%) As Boolean
     If Y Mod 4 <> 0 Then GoTo NoLY ' get rid of 75% of them
     If Y Mod 400 <> 0 And Y Mod 100 = 0 Then GoTo NoLY
     IsYLeapYear = True


 End Function


TL/DR:の 数学 バージョンは 5x速


  1. 数学的解釈のうるう年の定義
  2. 利用Excelの日付/時刻を検知する機能月29日(これらは二つのキャンプ:の日付を文字列として、せん)

を行った時に試験掲載していますので、答えを、発見したの 数学 方法につ 5x速 以外の日時ます。

それかの最適化の方法もいただきました(気にしないで見てください Integer は小幅よりも早く Long この場合、知らないうのではないでしょうか。)

Function IsLeapYear1(Y As Integer) As Boolean
    If Y Mod 4 Then Exit Function
    If Y Mod 100 Then
    ElseIf Y Mod 400 Then Exit Function
    End If
    IsLeapYear1 = True
End Function


Public Function IsLeapYear2(yr As Integer) As Boolean
    IsLeapYear2 = Month(DateSerial(yr, 2, 29)) = 2
End Function


試験のため IsLeapYear 年100..9999を繰り返し1000倍の


  • 数バージョン:640ms
  • 日付/時刻バージョン:3360ms


Sub Test()
    Dim n As Long, i As Integer, j As Long
    Dim d As Long
    Dim t1 As Single, t2 As Single
    Dim b As Boolean

    n = 1000

    Debug.Print "============================="
    t1 = Timer()
    For j = 1 To n
    For i = 100 To 9999
        b = IsYLeapYear1(i)
    Next i, j
    t2 = Timer()
    Debug.Print 1, (t2 - t1) * 1000

    t1 = Timer()
    For j = 1 To n
    For i = 100 To 9999
        b = IsLeapYear2(i)
    Next i, j
    t2 = Timer()
    Debug.Print 2, (t2 - t1) * 1000
End Sub


Leap_Day_Check = Day(DateValue("01/03/" & Required_Year) - 1)


VBA何日前の1月には年間で設定では28 29年月ます。

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