
I want to send a query to Wikipedia. The Reponse contains some informations about a City, which I asked for.

Some examples: I would get some informations about Munich: http://de.wikipedia.org/w/api.php?action=query&prop=revisions&titles=M%C3%BCnchen&rvprop=content&format=xml These query send me the desired response.

But there are some other cases in which Wikipedia doesn't know what i mean (if i search "Neustadt" on de.wikipedia.org i become a List of different "Neustadts", because there are Many of them.

But how can I catch the desired articel?...In My Database all the Citys have coordinates,zip-codes and phonecodes. But this I can't search in Wikipeida,or?

//EDIT: I search the URL from the article

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The problem with the wikipedia data is its largely unstructured, you might have better luck looking at something like dbpedia which is an effort to pull structured information from wikipedia and make it searchable using SPARQL

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