
I'm experiencing an internal server error on a site, but only on the publicly facing site, and on certain pages in the admin section, including posts (/wp-admin/edit.php) and anything else accessing /wp-admin/edit.php (e.g. pages and custom post types), and media (/wp-admin/upload.php). Every other admin page seems to work properly.

I realize this is likely a server issue, but it's so strange (some pages are fine, others not), that I thought it would be worth asking about. I've deactivated all plugins and checked the error_log files (especially in /wp-admin), but haven't found anything. I should also note that I'm seeing core dump files written to the server each time a page returns an error, but I'm not sure how/if I can analyze those.

This did happen after attempting to move the site to a different domain, if that helps. I believe I did everything correctly, but it's possible (and even likely, given the problem) that I didn't.

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I get internal server errors quite often in my everyday coding work if i misspell PHP function names in my code. So try deactivating your plugins and re-enabling one by one.

다른 팁

I used to have those exact problems problems. At first I thought it was my host (godaddy)... I was kind of right. I don;t know what OS you have but, everything was fixed when I switched from windows to linux. I guess WP agrees more w/ linux.

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