
I'm having essentially the same problem as the question linked below, but I cannot seem to get it to work. I'm getting "cannot apply indexing [] to an expression of type System.Data.DataRow". As far as I can tell, I have implemented the solution correctly.

Problems with data driven testing in MSTest

public class UnitTest1
    private TestContext testContextInstance;

    public TestContext TestContext
            return testContextInstance;
            testContextInstance = value;

    private ServiceReference1.ProductCatalogClient client = new ServiceReference1.ProductCatalogClient("BasicHttpBinding_IProductCatalog");

    [DataSource("Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.DataSource.CSV", "|DataDirectory|\\CountList.csv", "CountList#csv", DataAccessMethod.Sequential), DeploymentItem("..\\ServiceTest\\CountList.csv"), TestMethod]
    public void AreCountsCorrect()
        int id = TestContext.DataRow["Id"] as int;
        int count = client.GetProductCount(id);
        Assert.IsTrue(count == TestContext.DataRow["Count"] as int);
도움이 되었습니까?


Add a reference to System.Data to the test project. No idea why that would not be automatically included since DataRow is used for data driven tests.

다른 팁

You should add Reference to your test project to fix this issue. I don't know why VS2013 doesn't add it automatically.

right click your test project, Add->Reference...->Assemblies->Framework->System.Data, check it.


enter image description here

I had the same problem as you with the this.TestContext.DataRow["PathFile_Original"], what I was doing wrong was so simple, I didn't add the reference to System.Data, that was all.

It's quite easy to fix, be sure that you already have library.


To fix your issue, as others have said, you should add a reference to System.Data in your project.

If you are still having an issue after that reference has been added, you may need to restart Visual Studio, and remove any redundant references or using headers.

this one is working with me

    [TestCategory("Category 4")]
    public void testwithexceldata()

        int x = TestContext.DataRow.Table.Rows.Count;
        int Balance = Convert.ToInt32(TestContext.DataRow["Balance"]);
        int Amount = Convert.ToInt32(TestContext.DataRow["Amount"]);
        Assert.AreEqual(Balance, Amount);


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