
Is it possible to develop real metro apps on Windows 7 or should I download the beta of Windows 8? What are the libraries, packages, or software I need to install?

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Windows 8 Developer Preview is a Windows 8 Image with Visual Studio 11 preinstalled. This will have everything you need to get started. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/apps/br229516

I don't think you'll be able to develop a metro app on windows 7

다른 팁

You need Windows 8. As Prescott said, Windows 8 Developer Preview has a version with developer tools (including VS 11 Developer Preview). I run Windows 8 on a VM with 1.5GB RAM, and it works great, even though the stated minimum is 2GB.

You cannot develop Metro apps in Windows 7. Everything you need to develop is at www.buildwindows.com
There you can get the OS, tools, samples, documentation, forums, etc.

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