
I am trying to use laravel php framework on google appengine platform, I have installed the App Engine SDK on my Windows 8.1. I have added the path for SDK. I have PHP installed from Xampp. Then i cloned this repo: https://github.com/faiyaz26/Laravel-4-for-Google-App-Engine on my PC and tried to run it. It shows this error: Symfony \ Component \ Debug \ Exception \ FatalErrorException PHP Startup: apc_fcntl_create: could not open C:\WINDOWS.apc.a05860

Though i can run other demo php app from Appengine on my local pc.

I tried to use the given php executables from GAE SDK but no use. How to solve this problem ?

도움이 되었습니까?


This is just a guess, but try adding

apc.cache_by_default = "0"

to a php.ini file in the root of the AppEngine project, and see if that helps.

다른 팁

If you are using Google App Engine Launcher be sure open it using "Run as administrator" before you run your app.

This worked for me:

apc.enabled = 0 

in the php.ini file.

APC is a cache in PHP for speeding up execution of scripts and temporarily storing data between requests. I guess Google does not use it as they might do their own optimizations.

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