
My project is a simple ASP.net web application. It is created from Visual build-in template. When I try to open ASP.NET configuration or default.aspx, IE always goes to IIS Windows page. I have tried this operation using VS2010 and VS2012. The same issue occurred under both IDEs. I have checked "Use Visual Studio Development server" is checked and debug switch is open in web.config file.

도움이 되었습니까?

해결책 2

After several tries, I have found the issue is browser-related. On my own development machine(Windows 8.1 Enterprise 64bit, Internet Explorer 11), the issue occurs in IE only, but not in Chrome. With some comparison, it seems IE will redirect <a class="level1 static" href="Default.aspx" tabindex="-1">Home</a> inside a <ul role="menuitem"><li></li> ... </ul> to start page of default web site of IIS namely IIS Windows web page, Chrome will goto expected home page of current web site.

다른 팁

try to install iis Express Version or uncheck Your mentioned option to use Cassini

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