
I have a very simple controller:

def create
  @poem = Poem.new(params[:poem])
  @poem.prose = @poem.content
   Resque.enqueue(PoemWork, @poem.id)

and a very simple worker:

class PoemWork
 @queue = :poem_queue
 def self.perform(poem_id)
  @poem = Poem.find(poem_id)
  txt = @poem.content
  #do stuff here 

And I keep getting "Couldn't find Poem with id=53" or smth. like that...

I tried passing just string, just integer etc.. but it also ends with ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound

what can be wrong?

도움이 되었습니까?


So the problem was that the worker starts before the object actually gets created.

Had to install the gem that restarts failed jobs.

wrote the post about it

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