
웹 사이트 루트 아래의 폴더에 저장된 이미지 파일에서 축소판을 생성하려고합니다. 현재 .NET의 CapeBilite 내장을 사용하여 썸네일을 동적으로 생성하고 있지만 품질이 상당히 나빠지고 웹 쇼트이기 때문에 실제 문제입니다. 내 질문은 이미지 썸네일 생성 및 재 조정 및 업로드 중에 이미지 파일 크기 압축에 대한 도움이 될 수있는 좋은 (오픈 소스?) 프레임 워크가 있는지 여부입니다.

나는 보았지만 아직 찾지 못했습니까?

미리 감사드립니다.

도움이 되었습니까?


나는 당신이 사용할 수있는 몇 가지 코드를 작성했습니다. 팔아 팔지 마세요;)

이것은 코드입니다.

 *  Software Developed by Filip Ekberg ( Filip@SmartIT.se )
 *  For Questions regarding this software, please send me an E-mail

#region Usings
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Drawing2D;
using System.Drawing.Imaging;

namespace ImageResizer
    class ImageProcessor
        #region Members
        private int m_imgWidht,

        private float m_vertRes,

        private double m_size = 0.25;

        private Bitmap m_Bitmap;
        private Graphics m_Graphics;
        private Image m_currentImage;

        private PixelFormat m_pxlFormat = PixelFormat.Format32bppRgb;
        private InterpolationMode m_interpolationMode = InterpolationMode.HighQualityBilinear;
        private CompositingQuality m_compositingQuality = CompositingQuality.HighQuality;
        private SmoothingMode m_smoothingMode = SmoothingMode.None;

        #region Access Methods

        public int ImageWidth 
            get { return m_imgWidht; }
        public int ImageHeight 
            get { return m_imgHeight; }
        public float VerticalResolution
            get { return m_vertRes; }
            set { m_vertRes = value; }
        public float HorizonalResolution
            get { return m_horiRes; }
            set { m_horiRes = value; }

        /// <summary>
        /// Use ImageSize struct for setting this.
        /// </summary>
        public double Size
            get { return m_size; }
            set { m_size = value; }
        public Image ProcessImage
            get { return m_currentImage; }
            set { m_currentImage = value; }
        public PixelFormat ImagePixelFormat 
            get { return m_pxlFormat; }
            set { m_pxlFormat = value; }
        public InterpolationMode ImageInterpolationMode
            get { return m_interpolationMode; }
            set { m_interpolationMode = value; }
        public CompositingQuality ImageCompositingQuality
            get { return m_compositingQuality; }
            set { m_compositingQuality = value; }
        public SmoothingMode ImageSmoothingMode
            get { return m_smoothingMode; }
            set { m_smoothingMode = value; }


        #region Process Image
        public Bitmap BeginProcess()
            if ( m_currentImage == null )
                return null;

            m_oImgWidht = m_currentImage.Width;
            m_oImgHeight = m_currentImage.Height;

            m_vertRes = m_currentImage.VerticalResolution;
            m_horiRes = m_currentImage.HorizontalResolution;

            m_imgWidht = (int)(m_oImgWidht * (double)m_size);
            m_imgHeight = (int)(m_oImgHeight * (double)m_size);

            m_Bitmap = new Bitmap(m_imgWidht, m_imgHeight, m_pxlFormat);

            m_Bitmap.SetResolution(m_vertRes, m_horiRes);

            m_Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(m_Bitmap);

            m_Graphics.InterpolationMode = m_interpolationMode;

            m_Graphics.CompositingQuality = m_compositingQuality;

            m_Graphics.SmoothingMode = m_smoothingMode;

            // m_Graphics.DrawImage(m_currentImage, new Rectangle(0, 0, m_imgWidht, m_imgHeight), new Rectangle(0, 0, m_oImgWidht, m_oImgHeight), GraphicsUnit.Pixel);

            Rectangle rectDestination = new Rectangle(0, 0, m_imgWidht, m_imgHeight);
           // m_Graphics.DrawImage(m_currentImage,
           //     new Rectangle(-1, -1, m_oImgWidht + 2, m_oImgHeight + 2),
            //    new Rectangle(m_oImgWidht, m_oImgHeight, m_imgWidht, m_oImgHeight),
            //    GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
            ImageAttributes ia = new ImageAttributes();
            m_Graphics.DrawImage(m_currentImage, rectDestination, 0, 0, m_oImgWidht, m_oImgHeight, GraphicsUnit.Pixel, ia); 

            // m_Graphics.Dispose();

            return m_Bitmap;

이것이 당신이 그것을 사용할 수있는 방법입니다.

private ImageProcessor m_processor = new ImageProcessor();

m_currentImage = new Bitmap(currentFile.FullName);

                // Display a Thumbnail of it
                pictureBox1.Image = m_currentImage.GetThumbnailImage(pictureBox1.Width, pictureBox1.Height, null, IntPtr.Zero);

                // Update the Label with Filename and what file is currently processed
                delegate_lblControl(currentFile.Name + "\n" + m_currentProcessedImage + " / " + m_fileList.Length);

                // Increase the value on the ProcessBar

                // Process the Image
                m_processor.ProcessImage = m_currentImage;

                m_processor.Size = m_size;

                m_finalProcessedImage = m_processor.BeginProcess();

                ImageCodecInfo jgpEncoder = GetEncoder(ImageFormat.Jpeg);
                System.Drawing.Imaging.Encoder myEncoder =

                EncoderParameters myEncoderParameters = new EncoderParameters(1);
                EncoderParameter myEncoderParameter = new EncoderParameter(myEncoder, m_jpegQuality);
                myEncoderParameters.Param[0] = myEncoderParameter;

                // Save the Image to the Output folder
                m_finalProcessedImage.Save(fldOutput.SelectedPath + "\\" + currentFile.Name, jgpEncoder, myEncoderParameters);

                // Dispose the Images


내가 쓴 코드는 실제로 할 수있는 코드는 이미지를 특정 백분율로 만드는 것입니다.

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