
나는이 바이올린을 만들었습니다 "Nofollow"> http://jsfiddle.net/nab6n/10/

볼 수 있듯이, 나는 2 개의 애니메이터, 요소 및 바디 클래스, 나는 요소를 먼저 클릭 한 후에 시체에 수업을 추가하지만 시체를 클릭하면 닫히지 않습니다.애니메이터를 로 정의하면

 var animators = $$('#opendiv,body');

DIV가 신체 클릭에 열리지 않으려는 것을 제외하고는 확인을합니다.나는 그것을 클릭하는 것이 필요합니다.

도움이되는 모든 도움이됩니다.


도움이 되었습니까?


Right. Seems as if you really require an outerClick pattern to close. Here's the one that is most notably used within mootools devs, allowing you to create a custom event, based on click:

Element.Events.outerClick = {
    base : 'click',
    condition : function(event){
        return false;
    onAdd : function(fn){
        this.getDocument().addEvent('click', fn);
    onRemove : function(fn){
        this.getDocument().removeEvent('click', fn);

The way it works is: it is based on a normal click. upon adding, it adds the callback as a click event on the document. when a click happens within the element itself,it stops bubbling via event.stopPropagation();, else, it will bubble and the callback will run.

here's how it ties together after the above:


(function() {
    var opener = $('opendiv');
    var boxtoopen = $('box');

    boxtoopen.set('morph', {
        duration: 700,
        transition: 'bounce:out'

    boxtoopen.addEvent('outerClick', function(event) {

    opener.addEvent('click', function(e) {


I have also 'outsourced' the morph properties to the CSS as it makes more sense, semantically.

P.S. note that you need mootools 1.4.3 or 1.4.5, but not 1.4.4 as there's a morph bug to do with units in that release. the jsfiddle above uses 1.4.6 (mootools edge).

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