
이 기사 IE를 지정합니다.9 (가장자리), IE8, IE7 및 IE5는 유효한 HTTP-Equiv 문서 모드로서IE6은 왜 건너 뛰었습니까?IE5와 동일하게 렌더링합니까?우리 회사는 IE6 +를 지원하므로 VM을 필요로하지 않고 IE6 호환성 UI 변경 사항을 테스트하는 안정적인 방법을 찾고 싶습니다.

도움이 되었습니까?


The article specifies the compatibility modes IE (8-9) can run in. IE5(.5) equals to quirks mode. IE8 cannot run in IE6 compatibility mode. IE6 does not absolutely render the same as IE5(.5) (unless it's in quirks mode).

If you want a reliable way to test in IE6, IE7, etc., you should try something like IETester (which I found to be reliable), Spoon, etc. if you don't want to use VMs.

You should also check this SO question. As stated there:

Also, don't trust IE8 compatibility mode.

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