
I hope there's someone who can help me suggest a suitable data model to be implemented using nosql database Apache Cassandra. More of than I need it to work under high loads and large amounts of data.

Simplified I have 3 types of objects:

  • Product
  • Tag
  • ProductTag


key - string key
name - string
.... - some other fields


key - string key
name - unique tag words


product_key - foreign key referring to product
tag_key  - foreign key referring to tag
rating - this is rating of tag for this product

Each product may have 0 or many tags. Tag may be assigned to 1 or many products. Means relation between products and tags is many-to-many in terms of relational databases.

Value of "rating" is updated "very" often.

I need to be run the following queries

  • Select objects by keys
  • Select tags for product ordered by rating
  • Select products by tag order by rating
  • Update rating by product_key and tag_key

The most important is to make these queries really fast on large amounts of data, considering that rating is constantly updated.

도움이 되었습니까?


Something like this:

Products : { // Column Family  
    productA : { //Row key  
        name: 'The name of the product' // column
        price: 33.55 // column
        tags : 'fun, toy' // column

ProductTag : { // Column Family
    fun : { //Row key
        timeuuid_1 : productA // column
        timeuuid_2 : productB // column
    toy : { //Row key
        timeuuid_3 : productA // column

Check this Model to store biggest score

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