
C ++ 및 MFC를 사용하여 웹 서버에 파일을 업로드하는 방법 우리는 .NET을 사용하지 않습니다. 소켓을 열고 모든 것을 직접해야합니까? 그렇다면 따라야 할 좋은 참조는 어디에 있습니까?

도움이 되었습니까?


You don't want to use direct socket calls. It's hard to get HTTP right this way.

The easier way is to the WinINet APIs. Check out the docs for InternetOpen, this will likely be the first call you make. Functions you will likely need:

  • InternetOpen
  • InternetConnect
  • HttpOpenRequest
  • HttpSendRequest
  • HttpQueryInfo
  • InternetCloseHandle

You can find docs for all of these on msdn

다른 팁

Here is the code I ended up using. I stripped out the error checking, and other notification stuff. This does a multi-part form upload.

DWORD dwTotalRequestLength;
DWORD dwChunkLength;
DWORD dwReadLength;
DWORD dwResponseLength;
CHttpFile* pHTTP = NULL;

dwChunkLength = 64 * 1024; 
void* pBuffer = malloc(dwChunkLength);
CFile file ;

CInternetSession session("sendFile");
CHttpConnection *connection = NULL;

try {
//Create the multi-part form data that goes before and after the actual file upload.

CString strHTTPBoundary = _T("FFF3F395A90B452BB8BEDC878DDBD152");       
CString strPreFileData = MakePreFileData(strHTTPBoundary, file.GetFileName());
CString strPostFileData = MakePostFileData(strHTTPBoundary);
CString strRequestHeaders = MakeRequestHeaders(strHTTPBoundary);
dwTotalRequestLength = strPreFileData.GetLength() + strPostFileData.GetLength() + file.GetLength();

connection = session.GetHttpConnection("www.YOURSITE.com",NULL,INTERNET_DEFAULT_HTTP_PORT);

pHTTP = connection->OpenRequest(CHttpConnection::HTTP_VERB_POST, _T("/YOUURL/submit_file.pl"));
pHTTP->SendRequestEx(dwTotalRequestLength, HSR_SYNC | HSR_INITIATE);

//Write out the headers and the form variables
pHTTP->Write((LPSTR)(LPCSTR)strPreFileData, strPreFileData.GetLength());

//upload the file.

dwReadLength = -1;
int length = file.GetLength(); //used to calculate percentage complete.
while (0 != dwReadLength)
    dwReadLength = file.Read(pBuffer, dwChunkLength);
    if (0 != dwReadLength)
    pHTTP->Write(pBuffer, dwReadLength);


//Finish the upload.
pHTTP->Write((LPSTR)(LPCSTR)strPostFileData, strPostFileData.GetLength());

//get the response from the server.
LPSTR szResponse;
CString strResponse;
dwResponseLength = pHTTP->GetLength();
while (0 != dwResponseLength )
    szResponse = (LPSTR)malloc(dwResponseLength + 1);
    szResponse[dwResponseLength] = '\0';
    pHTTP->Read(szResponse, dwResponseLength);
    strResponse += szResponse;
    dwResponseLength = pHTTP->GetLength();


//close everything up.

CString CHelpRequestUpload::MakeRequestHeaders(CString& strBoundary)
CString strFormat;
CString strData;
strFormat = _T("Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=%s\r\n");
strData.Format(strFormat, strBoundary);
return strData;

CString CHelpRequestUpload::MakePreFileData(CString& strBoundary, CString& strFileName)
CString strFormat;
CString strData;

strFormat = _T("--%s");
strFormat += _T("\r\n");
strFormat += _T("Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"user\"");
strFormat += _T("\r\n\r\n");
strFormat += _T("%s");
strFormat += _T("\r\n");

strFormat += _T("--%s");
strFormat += _T("\r\n");
strFormat += _T("Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"email\"");
strFormat += _T("\r\n\r\n");
strFormat += _T("%s");
strFormat += _T("\r\n");

strFormat += _T("--%s");
strFormat += _T("\r\n");
strFormat += _T("Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"filename\"; filename=\"%s\"");
strFormat += _T("\r\n");
strFormat += _T("Content-Type: audio/x-flac");
strFormat += _T("\r\n");
strFormat += _T("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary");
strFormat += _T("\r\n\r\n");

strData.Format(strFormat, strBoundary, m_Name, strBoundary, m_Email,  strBoundary, strFileName);

return strData;

CString CHelpRequestUpload::MakePostFileData(CString& strBoundary)

CString strFormat;
CString strData;

strFormat = _T("\r\n");
strFormat += _T("--%s");
strFormat += _T("\r\n");
strFormat += _T("Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"submitted\"");
strFormat += _T("\r\n\r\n");
strFormat += _T("");
strFormat += _T("\r\n");
strFormat += _T("--%s--");
strFormat += _T("\r\n");

strData.Format(strFormat, strBoundary, strBoundary);

return strData;


WinInet as suggested. Bear in mind that there are MFC classes that wrap these APIs. If for some reason these APIs aren't flexible engouh for your requirements (e.g. you need to implement connection through a proxy including authentication), give a look at WinHTTP. It's a superset of WinInet (no MFC wrappers though for WinHTTP).

You can also use XMLHTTP. Even if you aren't sending XML. Built on WinINet, but a bit easier to use (if you're used to working with COM anyway).
See MSDN: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms759148.aspx

If you have an ftp server, check out the CFtpConnection class.

라이센스 : CC-BY-SA ~와 함께 속성
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