
Greetings I am developing a non-webapplication using Spring+Hibernate. My question is how the HibernateDaoSupport handles lazy-loading , because after a call do DAO , the Session is closed.

Take a look at following psuedo-code:

DAO is like:

CommonDao extends HibernateDaoSupport{
 Family getFamilyById(String id);
 SubFamily getSubFamily(String familyid,String subfamilyid);

Domain model is like:

 private List<SubFamily> subfamiles;
 public List<SubFamily> getSubFamiles();

 private Family family; 
 public Family getFamily();

In the application I get DAO from app-context and want to following operations.Is this possible to do with lazy-loading because AFAIK after every method (getFamilyById() , getSubFamily() ) the session is closed.

CommonDAO dao=//get bean from application context;
Family famA=dao.getFamilyById(familyid);
//Do some stuff
List<SubFamily> childrenA=fam.getSubFamiles();

SubFamily asubfamily=dao.getSubFamily(id,subfamilyid);
//Do some other stuff
Family famB=asubfamily.getFamily();
도움이 되었습니까?


My question is how the HibernateDaoSupport handles lazy-loading , because after a call to DAO, the Session is closed.

The DAOs don't create/close a Session for each call, they are not responsible for this and this is usually done using the "Open Session in View" pattern (Spring provide a filter or an interceptor for this). But this is for web apps.

In a swing app, one solution is to use long session. You'll have to decide well-defined points at which to close the session to release memory. For small applications, this is usually straightforward and will work. For bigger (i.e. real life apps), the right solution is to use one session per frame/internal frame/dialog. It's harder to manage but will scale.

Some threads you might want to read:

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