
I've been playing with OpenCL recently, and I'm able to write simple kernels that use only global memory. Now I'd like to start using local memory, but I can't seem to figure out how to use get_local_size() and get_local_id() to compute one "chunk" of output at a time.

For example, let's say I wanted to convert Apple's OpenCL Hello World example kernel to something the uses local memory. How would you do it? Here's the original kernel source:

__kernel square(
    __global float *input,
    __global float *output,
    const unsigned int count)
    int i = get_global_id(0);
    if (i < count)
        output[i] = input[i] * input[i];

If this example can't easily be converted into something that shows how to make use of local memory, any other simple example will do.

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다른 팁

There is another possibility to do this, if the size of the local memory is constant. Without using a pointer in the kernels parameter list, the local buffer can be declared within the kernel just by declaring it __local:

__local float localBuffer[1024];

This removes code due to less clSetKernelArg calls.

In OpenCL local memory is meant to share data across all work items in a workgroup. And it usually requires to do a barrier call before the local memory data can be used (for example, one work item wants to read a local memory data that is written by the other work items). Barrier is costly in hardware. Keep in mind, local memory should be used for repeated data read/write. Bank conflict should be avoided as much as possible.

If you are not careful with local memory, you may end up with worse performance some time than using global memory.

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