What are the advantages and disadvantages of using a content delivery network (CDN)? [closed]

StackOverflow https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2145277

  •  23-09-2019
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I was going through Best Practices for Speeding Up Your Web Site from developer site of Yahoo...

  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of using a content delivery network (CDN)?

  • When to use a CDN?

  • Is a CDN a performance booster?

도움이 되었습니까?


What are the advantages and disadvantages of using a content delivery network (CDN)?

  • The disadvantages may be that it costs money, and it adds a bit of complexity to your deployment procedures.

  • The main advantage is an increase in the speed with which the content is delivered to the users.

When to use a CDN?

  • It will be most effective when you have a popular public website with some type of static content (images, scripts, CSS, etc.).

Is a CDN a performance booster?

  • In general, yes. When a specific request is made by a user, the server closest to that user (in terms of the minimum number of nodes between the server and the user) is dynamically determined. This optimizes the speed with which the content is delivered to that user.

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광산은 ".menu-horizontal a.dynamic-children.additional-background, .menu-horizontal span.dynamic-childrens span.additional-background"의 내 corev4.css에 나타났습니다.

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.menu-horizontal a.dynamic-children span.additional-background, .menu-horizontal span.dynamic-children span.additional-background {
패딩 - 오른쪽 : 10px;
배경 이미지 : URL (/ _ 레이아웃 / 이미지 / 메뉴 - 다운 .gif);
배경 - 반복 : 아니오 - 반복;
배경 위치 : 오른쪽 센터;

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A CDN is a performance booster if a lot of content come from the CDN.

Normally you have two connections each time to get content for each domain so each item is a connection.

If you have content on a CDN from another domain you have more connections for your site and your site will load faster.

I normally use a CDN for JavaScript libraries and only if I trust the CDN and check the uptime from the CDN you want to use.

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