
I am trying to copy C source files from a vms alpha to a windows machine to allow easier editing of the code. (VMS editor is just a text editor and it would be nice to have syntax highlighting etc)

I can copy this across using Exceed FTP and this handles the issue of duplicate filenames with version suffix that vms has:

  • File.c;1
  • File.c;2
  • Flle.c;3

But when I open a file I've transferred, all the line breaks have been lost and the entire file is just one line.

Can anyone recommend a solution to this or offer any hints?

Thanks in advance

ps. I need to be able to copy the files back to vms and still maintain format.

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다른 팁

Copying a file to and from your windows desktop every time you want to edit gets old very quickly.

You may be able to implement a much nicer alternative. There is some software under VMS that permits a VMS directory tree to be treated as a "network disk" under windows. Once you've set it up, and set up your windows to recognize the network disk, you can just open the file with a windows text editor without moving it from VMS to windows. You can also browse the directory tree, which appears like a tree of folders.

When you issue a save from your text editor, the saved copy supercedes the previous version over in VMS land. And it mediates correctly between RMS format and embedded newline format. It's a whole lot more convenient than FTP, for this purpose.

After doing a quick Google search, I think the name of the VMS software is PATHWORKS. But I'm not sure.

A few points I have on this

  • PATHWORKS is fairly old and (as far as I recall - I dont use it) doesnt work well with recent windows versions, such as supporting Active Directory. Within the last few years HP have ported SAMBA to VMS and this is the way to go if you want to make areas of disk visible to windows machines. Should be easyt to find on HP web site.

  • If you want to try the FTP/SFTP route I would try SFTP and go for VMS version of at least 8.2. TheTCPIP suite was rewritten (or reported from a Unix version) at this point.

  • VMS supports a number of formats for text files. As well as the complex record structure described above, there is STREAM_LF which is the same as a unix file and STREAM_CRLF

RESOURCES라는 매핑 된 폴더를 솔루션에 추가 한 다음 resx 파일을 추가하십시오.

IIS의 app_globalresource 폴더에 Resx 파일을 추가하려면 솔루션에 Empty Element를 추가하고 해당 resx 파일을 추가하고 sharePointSolutionItem.spData를 수정하여 app_globalresource 폴더를 대상으로 그런 다음 그런 다음 Empty Element를 포함하는 기능이 있고 기능이 WebApplication에 대한 범위가 있는지 확인하십시오.

I'm no expert - let's get that out and in the open ;)

I have been having similar problems in FTPing files from OVMS Alphaserver to Win7 desktop so I can migrate to SQL. FTP [Attachmate & WIn CLI] workled fine under WinNT. I suspect Win7 does not like the name.ext;version format of the OVMS file.

Filezilla - doesn't work.

PuTTY - doesn't work

Window CLI FTP - doesn't work [partial file transfer; times out & truncates file].

Using Attachmate's "Reflections for the Web 2011" to emulate Vax terminal - works fine. Think I'll have to go back to Attachmate for assistance but partially hamstrung by our [Australian Fed Govt] IT services which has the final say

그러한 시나리오의 경우 다음과 같은 접근법이 고려 될 수 있습니다.

쿼리 를 무시합니다
    public class MyAggregatedDocuments : Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.WebControls.CoreResultsWebPart

        protected override void ConfigureDataSourceProperties()
            // only perform actions when we are trying to show search results
            // i.e. not when you're in Design Mode
            if (this.ShowSearchResults)
                // call the base web part method

                // get the data source object
                CoreResultsDatasource dataSource = this.DataSource as CoreResultsDatasource;

                // override the query being executed: Documents modified by current user
                dataSource.Query = string.Format("IsDocument:1 AND Author:\"{0}\"",SPContext.Current.Web.CurrentUser.Name);


coreeresultswebpart 속성

다음 속성을 사용하여 쿼리를 지정할 수 있습니다.

coreeresultswebpart.appendedquery <./ a>

coreeresultswebpart.fixedquery <./ a>

예 :

crwp.AppendedQuery = string.Format("IsDocument:1 AND Author:\"{0}\"",SPContext.Current.Web.CurrentUser.Name);

Modified Date에 의한 쿼리를 생성하려면 Author 관리 속성이 사용되는 것으로 가정합니다.

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