
본는 대부분의 문서에서 Liferay 위키(에 관한 이클립스 플러그인과 등)를 참조 Liferay 버전 4.x.있는 그대로--날짜 리소스를 개발하기 위한 Liferay 포틀릿 eclipse(3.5)?

도움이 되었습니까?

해결책 2

을 발견 중 하나는 여기에는 유망 보인:


다른 팁

There is a new top-level project at Liferay that is called Liferay IDE which is the official set of eclipse plugins for Liferay. Here is the installation guide and getting started tutorial.

We are starting to use this as a reference. It seems pretty good to get going.


The other thing to look at are the two (at least I found) Maven plug ins for Eclipse/Liferay.

One comes from Liferay and the other a community.

http://github.com/azzazzel/liferay-maven-sdk and this is a good ref of it:

From Liferay: http://www.liferay.com/web/mika.koivisto/blog/-/blogs/liferay-maven-sdk

Both are good and help with the busting out of project archetypes for Liferay.

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