
For Typed Xml to Linq processing ,do i need to download Linq to XSD alpha installer or is it available in VS 2008 ? (I am using VS 2008 Professional edition).

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문제가 console.log () 행이 될 수 있습니다.IE를 사용하면 콘솔이 디버거가 열리면 콘솔 만 사용할 수 있으므로 오류가 아닌 경우 오류가 발생합니다.

console.log (status)를 경고 (상태)로 바꿉니다.

Apparently Microsoft killed the project, but open-sourced it and now it is on Codeplex:


I think the project is no longer active and it is not available in Visual Studio 2008

You can find more info on this topic isLinq2XSD Dead?

if you reference the xsd file from inside thet xml file then you can get strongly typed linq iirc.

you then need to include the xsd into the project.

although i do have to say from experience that it is a lot easier to just cast the values as they come out. The xsd approach is a bit fragile and clunky i have found.

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