
I am trying to do a MVC project where i want to use fluent nhibernate. gonna use sql. unfortunately i am confused about how to even start it. i found no tutorials in the net. i need help in organizing my project.thanks in advance

도움이 되었습니까?


I have a series on my blog where I build a forum application using asp.net mvc and fluent nhibernate. You can check out one of the earlier posts and download the source code. Here is the link to the series: http://mattias-jakobsson.net/archive.aspx#Jakobsson-forum.

다른 팁

Sharp architecture can be helpful. You can base your application on it. It contains MVC and nHibernate and handles many problems that you will have during application development. It is solid base for every MVC app.

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MSDN (2010 년)그러나 여전히 관련성).

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