
Is this scenario even possible?

class Base
  int someBaseMemer;

template<class T>
class Derived : public T
  int someNonBaseMemer;

  Derived(T* baseInstance);


Base* pBase = new Base();
pBase->someBaseMemer = 123; // Some value set
Derived<Base>* pDerived = new Derived<Base>(pBase);

The value of pDerived->someBaseMemer should be equeal to pBase->someBaseMember and similar with other base members.

도움이 되었습니까?


Why wouldn't you actually finish writing and compiling the code?

class Base 
public: // add this
    int someBaseMemer; 

template<class T> 
class Derived : public T 
public: // add this
    int someNonBaseMemer; 

    Derived(T* baseInstance)
        : T(*baseInstance) // add this
    { return; } // add this

This compiles and runs as you specified.

EDIT: Or do you mean that someNonBaseMemer should equal someBaseMemer?

다른 팁

Why would you want to derive and pass the base pointer at the same time? Choose either, nothing stops you from having both. Use inheritance to do the job for you:

class Base
    Base(int x) : someBaseMemer(x) {}
  protected:      // at least, otherwise, derived can't access this member
    int someBaseMemer;

template<class T>
class Derived : public T
  int someNonBaseMemer;

  Derived(int x, int y) : someNonBaseMemer(y), T(x) {}

Derived<Base> d(42, 32); // usage

Though not the best of choices as design.

Declare someBaseMemr as public or change the declaration from class to struct:

class Base
  int someBaseMemer;


struct Base
  int someBaseMemr;

Remember that a class has private access to all members and methods by default. A struct provides public access by default.

Also, all derived classes should have public inheritance from Base.

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