
While exploring globalsight.com ,I came across the segmentation rules(link).It uses full stop(.) as a language delimiter. which segmentaion rules can we use for segment the non latin based Languages for which a dot(.) mean something other than a delimiter or for the languages which don't have any delimiters Example –Chinese,Japanese and Korean

What are the language segmentation rules used for these “non latin”(Chinese,Japanese) languages? How are the segmentation rules developed ?

Thanks in advance, Manjushree

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다른 팁

Japanese uses kinsoku shori. Not sure about the other two though.

"D"를 콜론과 시간 값으로 연결할 수 없습니다.콜론은 시간, 분 및 초를 분리하는 데만 사용할 수 있습니다.콜론 대신 공백을 사용하십시오

=Text([end date]-[start date],"d h:mm")

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