
I'm currently writing a very simple game engine for an assignment and to make the code a lot nicer I've decided to use a vector math library. One of my lecturers showed me the Sony Vector Math library which is used in the Bullet Physics engine and it's great as far as I can see. I've got it working on Linux nicely but I'm having problems porting it to work on OS X (intel, Snow Leopard). I have included the files correctly in my project but the C++ version of the library doesn't seem to compile. I can get the C version of the library working but it has a fairly nasty API compared to the C++ version and the whole reason of using this library was to neaten the code in the first place.


This blog post that I've stumbled upon seems to suggest something's up with the compiler? It's fairly short so I couldn't take a lot of information from it.

When I try to use the C++ version I get the following errors (expanded view of each error):

error: '__forceinline' does not name a type

second error:

/Developer/apps/gl test/main.cpp:7:0 In file included from /Developer/apps/gl test/main.cpp

/usr/include/vectormath/cpp/vectormath_aos.h:38:0 In file included from   

/usr/include/vectormath/cpp/../SSE/cpp/vectormath_aos.h:330:0 In file included from

/usr/include/vectormath/cpp/../SSE/cpp/vecidx_aos.h:45:0 Expected constructor, destructor, 
or type conversion before '(' token in     /usr/include/vectormath/cpp/../SSE/cpp/vecidx_aos.h

Finally two errors at the end of the main.cpp file:

Expected '}' at the end of input
Expected '}' at the end of input

I've Googled my heart out but I can't seem to find any answers or anything to point me in the right direction so any help will be greatly received.


도움이 되었습니까?


Which compiler are you using on OS X ? There are 4 to choose from in the standard Xcode 3.2 install and the default is gcc 4.2. You might be better off trying gcc 4.0.

다른 팁

__forceinline is a reserved word that is supported by only a couple compilers. Clearly, your compiler does not support the __forceinline keyword and the code in question is non-portable.

A very poor workaround would be to pass a new define to your compiler that gives the keyword the correct meaning. E.g.: -D__forceinline=inline or -D__forceinline=__attribute__((always_inline)) (Thanks Paul!)

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