
What would be the best way to use a Redis DB within a C++ program?

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Using a C bindings library? There doesn't seem to be a C++ wrapper available anywhere.

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I have forked the fictorial redis-cplusplus-client, made it compatible to redis-server v2.0, added missing api calls and implemented consistent hashing. There is also an early state of high level classes that will be useable like stl types in the near future (shared_string, shared_int, shared_set, ...). Nothing is production ready yet but the provided tests are succesfully running :-)



I've just released my c++ redis client on github. It's main feature right now is pipelining, I'll be adding more features soon, possibly sharding/consistent hashing next.

Official list of C++ clients

Explore a full list of Redis C++ clients on redis.io. You will find there different clients based on boost, Qt, etc. Note that at this time none of the C++ client implementations are marked as "Recommended." But there is a recommended C client, hiredis, which should work just fine in C++.


This C++ client library is not maintained however as few people actually use C++ to communicate with Redis.


Also check out hiredispp. It is far from complete, but very simplistic implementation that wraps around C based hiredis. Hiredis takes care of low level protocol and networking stuff while hiredispp wrappers just make it C++ friendly.

I wrote a C++ Redis client: redis-plus-plus. It's based on hiredis, and written in C++11. It supports the following features:

  • Most commands for Redis.
  • Connection pool.
  • Redis scripting.
  • Thread safe unless otherwise stated.
  • Redis publish/subscribe.
  • Redis pipeline.
  • Redis transaction.
  • Redis Cluster.
  • Redis Sentinel.
  • Redis Stream.
  • STL-like interface.
  • Generic command interface.

It's very fast, and easy to use. If you have any problem with this client, feel free to let me know. If you like it, also feel free to star it :)

#include <sw/redis++/redis++.h>
using namespace sw::redis;

try {
    Redis redis("tcp://");

    redis.set("key", "val");
    auto val = redis.get("key");
    if (val) {
        // dereference val to get the value of string type.
        std::cout << *val << std::endl;
    }   // else key doesn't exist.

    redis.rpush("list", {"a", "b", "c"});
    std::vector<std::string> list;
    redis.lrange("list", 0, -1, std::back_inserter(list));

    // put a vector<string> to Redis list.
    redis.rpush("another-list", list.begin(), list.end());

    auto tx = redis.transaction();

    auto tx_replies = tx.incr("num0")
                        .mget({"num0", "num1"})

    auto redis_cluster = RedisCluster("tcp://");

    // RedisCluster has similar interface as Redis.
    redis_cluster.set("key", "value");
    val = redis_cluster.get("key");
} catch (const Error &err) {
    // error handling.

Check the doc for details.

Another C++ client can be found here: https://github.com/luca3m/redis3m

It's a wrapper of hiredis, with nice C++ classes, an high availability connection pooling and a set of patterns already implemented and ready to use.

If you care about performance, give a try for bredis. It uses c++ 14 and boost::asio and has not other dependencies (i.e. no hiredis nor libev etc.). Its usage might be not as convenient as the other C++ libraries, but that was trade off by design in the sake of performance and maximum flexibility.

bredis much more easy to use on Windows, as it has no hiredis dependency.

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