
Having a problem using enumerations with namespaces.

Below is the function call:

object->writeMessage(tmpZone->getLineOne(), tmpZone->getLine(), tmpZone->getPosition());

the problem from the compiler comes from


the prototype for getLine() from the Zone class(which is in the insight namespace)is:

Line getLine();

which returns an enum type in the insight namespace. This function call is in a cpp file under a using namespace insight; line.

the compiler errors are

C:/WindRiver/workspace/SimpleTemplate/InsightLT.cpp: In static member function static int insight::InsightLT::taskFunction(insight::InsightLT*)': C:/WindRiver/workspace/SimpleTemplate/InsightLT.cpp:161: error: no matching function for call to insight::InsightLT::writeMessage(std::string, Line, int)' C:/WindRiver/workspace/SimpleTemplate/InsightLT.cpp:82: note: candidates are: void insight::InsightLT::writeMessage(std::string, insight::Line, int)

I can't think of why this is happening. The Zone class is defined with in the insight namespace as well. Any ideas guys?

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Compiler can't resolve Line from insight namespace, you could provide full namespace in function definition, also wrap cpp inside namespace insight.


namespace insight {
  void InsightLT::writeMessage(std::string, insight::Line, int)

I was able to get this to compile, though I don't know why what I did worked. For the sake of completeness and closure I wanted to put it here.

I was declaring the Line enum and another enum inside the namespace scope along with another class. I removed the enums and put them in their own header files within the same namespace as before and it now compiles.

I am not sure what I was missing that this fixed the issue. If someone has any considerations please comment as to what this might have fixed.

Thanks for those that tried to help and sorry I wasn't able to put together an example the displayed the error.

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