
I'm working in Silverlight, trying to figure out how to set a grid cell font color based on the contents of the cell.

I have an ObservableCollection bound to a DataGrid, and my items implement INotifyPropertyChanged so the grid updates as I change the values; it's all working perfectly, including letting me sort items and keep the sorting while I update the underlying items.

I know I can use the LoadingRow event to change colors, but the only way I can get the event to fire is by changing the grids datasource, in which case my sorting goes out the window.

So, what I really want is a way to either

  1. loop the rows in the datagrid, find the cell I need, and change it's color or
  2. implement a custom column that I can use to dynamically set the color.

The problem is how to actually do either of those things :).

도움이 되었습니까?


You should use databinding for this.

  1. Bind your cell font color to the content of the cell
  2. Create a converter IValueConverter that converts the value to a color depending from your needs

See here for a good example

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