
Does anybody know a good text editor for Mac that supports syntax highlighting in CoffeeScript? Is it possible to do this in TextWrangler or BBEdit?

Cheers :)

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On http://jashkenas.github.com/coffee-script/ there is a list of what is available.

For Emacs there is CoffeeScript Major Mode (Emacs for mac: http://aquamacs.org/)

For Vim there is Vim CoffeeScript (Vim for mac: http://code.google.com/p/macvim/)

For Textmate there is CoffeeScript TextMate Bundle (how noted by Trevor, this is maintained by CoffeeScript creator Jeremy Ashkenas. And how noted by Chocohound, it works on Sublime Text 2 too)

For Gedit there is gedit-coffeescript

For IntelliJ IDEA and RubyMine there is coffeescript-idea

I can find nothing for TextWrangler or BBEdit.


The list moved to the wiki and now there is an attempt to make a BBEdit plugin too ;)

As mb21 said, you can find TextWrangler instructions here.

To highlight coffeescript in Eclipse:

  1. Download http://www.gstaff.org/colorEditor/cbg.editor_1.2.6.jar
  2. Download https://raw.github.com/dhotson/coffeescript-jedit/master/coffeescript.xml
  3. Open cbg.editor_1.2.6.jar with a zip editor.
  4. Put coffeescript.xml into the cbg.editor_1.2.6.jar\modes directory
  5. Edit cbg.editor_1.2.6.jar\modes\catalog (it's an XML file)
  6. Add a line for Coffeescript:

<MODE NAME="coffee" FILE="coffeescript.xml" FILE_NAME_GLOB="*.coffee" />

Save the .jar and put it into Eclipse's plugin directory. Restart Eclipse and .coffee files should now be highlighted.

WARNING: For some reason, this plugin's default colours are TERRIFYINGLY UNUSABLE. I recommend editing the colours to the attached first, before viewing any files. Honestly, just save yourself the heartache.

Colour preferences in Eclipse

TextMate have good bundle:

TextMate bundle

RubyMine / IDEA have also good plugin (but this is IDE and is crossplatform):

Idea plugin

Aptana has it now in version 3.0.4, but due to a bug with control over tabs/spaces, you'll need to install the 3.0.5 beta.

This is the beta Eclipse update site: http://preview.appcelerator.com/aptana/studio3/plugin/update/beta/

I'm pretty happy with Aptana. In my opinion, the editors for css, scss, coffeescript, html, etc. are all better than the built-in eclipse editors for these languages.

Adobe Brackets has native CoffeeScript support and the 'Interactive Linter' extension (downloadable from within the app) will even lint it to some extent, tell you that your lines are too long and so on.

However, there is no comment/uncomment keyboard shortcut, which gets old fast and there are other bugs, as you'd expect with software in such hard-development.

Worth checking out, none-the-less.

Did you give Eclipse a try?

Here's a plist file for syntax highlighting, etc, for CoffeeScript in BBEdit:


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