Variable created on the heap, 2 pointers pointing to same variable have different addresses?


  •  28-09-2019
  •  | 


I just learned the difference between the stack and the heap. After creating a function which will dynamically allocate memory on the heap for me, I return the pointer and display (in and out of the function) the address and value of each pointer.

The values are the same, which I expected, but the addresses to the same chunk of memory on the heap are different, which I did NOT expect.

Why? Shouldn't pHeap2 and pTemp point to the same address?

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int* intOnHeap(); // returns an int on the heap
int main()
 int* pHeap = new int; // new operator allocates memory on the heap and returns its address
       // 'new int' allocates enough memory on heap for one int and returns the address on the heap for that chunk of memory
       // 'int* pHeap' is a local pointer which points to the newly allocated chunk of memory
 *pHeap = 10;
 cout << "*pHeap: " << *pHeap << "\n\n";

 int* pHeap2 = intOnHeap();
 cout << "pHeap2:\n-----------" << endl;
 cout << "Address:\t" << &pHeap2 << "\n";
 cout << "Value:\t\t" << *pHeap2 << "\n\n";

 cout << "Freeing memory pointed to by pHeap.\n\n";
 delete pHeap;

 cout << "Freeing memory pointed to by pHeap2.\n\n";
 delete pHeap2;

// get rid of dangling pointers
    pHeap = 0;
    pHeap2 = 0;

 return 0;

int* intOnHeap()
 int* pTemp = new int(20);
 cout << "pTemp:\n-----------" << endl;
 cout << "Address:\t" << &pTemp << "\n";
 cout << "Value:\t\t" << *pTemp << "\n\n";
 return pTemp;


*pHeap: 10

Address:        0042FBB0
Value:          20

Address:        0042FCB4
Value:          20

Freeing memory pointed to by pHeap.

Freeing memory pointed to by pHeap2.

Press any key to continue . . .
도움이 되었습니까?


You are reporting the address of the pointers, not the address that the pointer is pointing to. Of course the address of the pointer will be different for pTemp and pHeap2; these are different pointers that happen to be pointing to the same address in memory. Remove the & prefixing pTemp and pHeap2 to see the results that you are expecting.

The picture is something like this:

0042FBB0           0042FBC0     0042FCB4
------------       ------       ------------
| 0042FBC0 |------>| 20 |<------| 0042FBC0 |
------------       ------       ------------
pTemp                           pHeap2

Here you have that &pTemp is 0042FBB0 and &pHeap2 is 0042FCB4. I made up an address for the address that pTemp and pHeap2 are pointing to (of course, the results could vary from run to run anyway) and if you remove the & prefixing pTemp and pHeap2 then you would see 0042FBC0 printed instead in each case.

다른 팁

Yes, pTemp and pHeap2 should be the same. But &pTemp and &pHeap2 are different. This is because the & operator returns a pointer to it's operand. So pTemp is a pointer to an int, while &pTemp is a pointer to a pointer to an int.

&pHeap2 doesn't return the value of the pointer, it returns the address of the pointer. That's because of the &, which in this context means "the address of".

i.e. at 0042FCB4 in memory, there's a pointer pointing to 0042FBB0 (i.e. in a big-endian environment, you'd see 00 42 FB B0 at 0042FCB4).

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