
I'm having trouble getting the GetNextExtended(36) operation working in Btrieve. Here is the call which returns the status code 62 :

                        m_byteFilePosBlk, _
                        m_byteRecordBuffer(0), _
                        lngDataBufferLen, _
                        ByVal strKeyBuffer, _
                        intKeyBufferLen, _

After doing a search for the code I found numerous site stating that the code indicates an error in the databuffer, stored in m_byteRecordBuffer. Here are the values stored in that variable :

m_byteRecordBuffer(0)    16    'These two bytes indicate the total size of'  
m_byteRecordBuffer(1)    0     'data buffer' 

m_byteRecordBuffer(2)    67    'These two bytes indicate the characters 'UC''
m_byteRecordBuffer(3)    85

m_byteRecordBuffer(4)    0     'These two bytes indicate the maximum reject' 
m_byteRecordBuffer(5)    0     'count, which if set to 0 defaults to 4,095' 

m_byteRecordBuffer(6)    0     'These two bytes indicate the number of terms'
m_byteRecordBuffer(7)    0     'which has been set to zero'

m_byteRecordBuffer(8)    1     'These two bytes indicate the number of' 
m_byteRecordBuffer(9)    0     'records to return'

m_byteRecordBuffer(10)  1     'These two bytes indicate the number of fields'
m_byteRecordBuffer(11)  0     'to extract'

m_byteRecordBuffer(12)  2     'These two bytes indicate the length of the'
m_byteRecordBuffer(13)  0     'field to extract'

m_byteRecordBuffer(14)  1     'These two bytes indicate the field offset'
m_byteRecordBuffer(15)  0

I hope I am just missing something simple. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

도움이 되었습니까?


In the record buffer, try swapping the position of the UC characters.
Put 'U' (85) in position 2 and 'C' (67) in position 3.

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