
I'm using devise for rails. I have the following route for devise.

devise_for :user

Which routes to 'user/sign_in' and several other.

So I want to change this route to: get 'login'. Is this possible? I tried doing

match 'login', to: 'user/sign_in', via: :get

Which did not work as well, what am I doing wrong, and what does the above code do?

도움이 되었습니까?


To use /login for sign_in add the following to your config/routes.rb:

devise_scope :user do 
    get 'login', to: 'devise/sessions#new'

다른 팁

This'll work:

devise_for :user, :path => 'login'

You might need :users and not :user, FYI.

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