
how can I change the href attribute of my google +1 button via some jQuery

The button initially loads with an empty href.

here is what I have tried so far

$(document).ready(function () {
    var qrCode = 'A12345';
    var shareLink = "http://<?php echo $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];?>/show.php?qrCode="+qrCode;
    $("#shareLink").attr("href", shareLink);

<g:plusone size='medium' id='shareLink' annotation='none' href='' callback='countGoogleShares'></g:plusone>
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Solução 2

I finally got it to work the way I wanted it to. I restructured the code a bit to get it to work. Instead of trying to change out the href attribute on document.ready, I ended up creating an empty div to be the container for the google plus button and writing the button with the correct href via .html()

//load the google plus javascript api
<script type="text/javascript" src="">
    {"parsetags": "explicit"}

//create an empty div to be the target of the google plus button
<div id="plusContent"></div>

    //get the qrcode to append to the url (ajax call in real life)
    var qrCode = 'A12345';

    //build the google plus object text string
    var googleShareLink = "<g:plusone size='medium' id='shareLink' class='shareLink'  annotation='none' href='http://<?php echo $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];?>/show.php?qrCode="+qrCode+"' callback='countGoogleShares'></g:plusone>";

    //write the google plus object to the target div

    //render the +1 buttons in the target location

Outras dicas

Use the JSAPI to explicitly render the +1 button within the jQuery function after you set the href.

Select the tag using jquery's ".next()" function. You just need to put a selectable tag just before this button.

Why do you want to do this?

You wouldn't need to have the HTML in a JS string.

I created a page similar where I created a div and inside of it I put my g:plusone tag. I put the URL as an attribute in the div as "data-url", but you wouldn't have to do that here.

<div class="plusoneContent" data-url="">

Then I am calling gapi.plusone.render and passing in the URL:

var url = $(this).data('url');
gapi.plusone.render(this, {href: url});

I have used the following code which works correctly:

<script type="text/javascript" src="">
<div id="plusone-div" class="plusone"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
    gapi.plusone.render('plusone-div',{"size": "medium", "count": "true", "href": "[http://MySite.Com/]"});
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