
Recentemente, minha empresa atualizada de RFT para RFT 8.2 e agora todos os nossos arquivos rational_ft_log.txt que são gerados a partir de testes são pelo menos uma dúzia de vezes mais tempo do que antes de serem atualizados.

Esses arquivos são muito mais longos agora porque cada pequena "getproperty no quadro" que acontece retorna um passe +++, assim:

++ PASS 30-Mar-2011 11: 15: 43.113 AM GetProperty no quadro line_number= 50. script_name= debugcommands.ir2_18_debugcommands

Alguém sabe como se livrar dessas coisas desagradáveis?

Eu pesquisei exaustivamente para as opções de RFT para mudar, e eu pareci um pouco para escrever um plugin aos arquivos de log de saída.Eu não consigo conseguir que a IBM volte para mim.

Foi útil?


You could write your own plugin, or just create your own custom logging methods in a super helper class. I do that anyway, to give me flexibility to output my logging info to any destination. But to answer your specific question about getting rid of the extraneous getProperty log messages, see the RFT info center:

Logged events such as verification point failures, script exceptions, object recognition warnings, and other additional playback information are displayed in the playback log results. From Rational® Functional Tester version 8.2 and later, the results of the getProperty() command are also displayed in the log results. If you do not require the log event to be displayed in the playback log, you can disable the event in the log results.

Before you begin: Ensure that you have access to modify the file.

About this task: To disable the getProperty() log event, you must modify the file.

Procedure: Open the file available in the \Functional Tester\bin\ directory. Add the following line of code at the end of the file contents:rational.test.ft.log.enhanced=false

Outras dicas

The fix is available under PMR29716. However, you would have to upgrade RFT8.2 to RFT iFix01 to see it working.

Check the PMR @

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