
I am using LightOpenID to enable Google Authentication in my PHP web application.

However when I test the same in my local server I get the following error

( ! ) Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'ErrorException' with message 'You must have either https wrappers or curl enabled.' in C:\wamp\www\speakerdb\openid.php on line 94
( ! ) ErrorException: You must have either https wrappers or curl enabled. in C:\wamp\www\speakerdb\openid.php on line 94
Call Stack
#   Time    Memory  Function    Location
1   0.0006  366848  {main}( )   ..\index.php:0
2   0.0034  648640  LightOpenID->__construct( ) ..\index.php:4

This runs fine in my remote server. I am going to use LightOpenID in each page of my application to check if user have signed in or not. I am tried giving "localhost" as domain name but get the same error.

I enabled curl un my wamp server but but pages with LightOpenID does not run when curl is enabled.

Foi útil?


Enable SSL modules on both, apache and PHP configurations and check if that works:




LoadModule ssl_module modules/

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