
Comecei a "brincar" com o PowerShell e estou tentando fazer com que ele "se comporte".

Uma das coisas que eu gostaria de fazer é personalizar o PROMPT para ser "semelhante" ao que "$M$P$_$+$G" faz no MS-Dos:

Um rápido resumo do que eles fazem:

Personagem| Descrição
$ milhões O nome remoto associado à letra da unidade atual ou à string vazia se a unidade atual não for uma unidade de rede.
$p Unidade e caminho atuais
$+ Zero ou mais caracteres de sinal de mais (+) dependendo da profundidade do empurrado pilha de diretórios, um caractere para cada nível enviado
$g > (sinal de maior que)

Portanto, o resultado final é algo como:

    \\spma1fp1\JARAVJ$ H:\temp

consegui adicionar o $M e $_ funcionalidade (e um recurso de histórico bacana) ao meu prompt da seguinte maneira:

function prompt
   ## Get the history. Since the history may be either empty,
   ## a single item or an array, the @() syntax ensures
   ## that PowerShell treats it as an array
   $history = @(get-history)

   ## If there are any items in the history, find out the
   ## Id of the final one.
   ## PowerShell defaults the $lastId variable to '0' if this
   ## code doesn't execute.
   if($history.Count -gt 0)
      $lastItem = $history[$history.Count - 1]
      $lastId = $lastItem.Id

   ## The command that we're currently entering on the prompt
   ## will be next in the history. Because of that, we'll
   ## take the last history Id and add one to it.
   $nextCommand = $lastId + 1

   ## Get the current location
   $currentDirectory = get-location

   ## Set the Windows Title to  the current location
   $host.ui.RawUI.WindowTitle = "PS: " + $currentDirectory

   ## And create a prompt that shows the command number,
   ## and current location
   "PS:$nextCommand $currentDirectory

Mas o resto ainda não é algo que consegui duplicar....

Muito obrigado pelas dicas que com certeza virão!

Foi útil?


Veja se isso faz o que você deseja:

function prompt
   ## Get the history. Since the history may be either empty,
   ## a single item or an array, the @() syntax ensures
   ## that PowerShell treats it as an array
   $history = @(get-history)

   ## If there are any items in the history, find out the
   ## Id of the final one.
   ## PowerShell defaults the $lastId variable to '0' if this
   ## code doesn't execute.
   if($history.Count -gt 0)
      $lastItem = $history[$history.Count - 1]
      $lastId = $lastItem.Id

   ## The command that we're currently entering on the prompt
   ## will be next in the history. Because of that, we'll
   ## take the last history Id and add one to it.
   $nextCommand = $lastId + 1

   ## Get the current location
   $currentDirectory = get-location

   ## Set the Windows Title to  the current location
   $host.ui.RawUI.WindowTitle = "PS: " + $currentDirectory

   ##pushd info
   $pushdCount = $(get-location -stack).count
   $pushPrompt = ""
   for ($i=0; $i -lt $pushdCount; $i++)
       $pushPrompt += "+"

   ## And create a prompt that shows the command number,
   ## and current location
   "PS:$nextCommand $currentDirectory `n$($pushPrompt)>"

Outras dicas

Isso lhe dará a contagem dos locais na pilha pushd:

$(get-location -Stack).count

Graças à resposta do EBGReens, meu "prompt" agora é capaz de mostrar a profundidade da pilha:

 function prompt
    ## Initialize vars
    $depth_string = ""

    ## Get the Stack -Pushd count
    $depth = (get-location -Stack).count

    ## Create a string that has $depth plus signs
    $depth_string = "+" * $depth

    ## Get the history. Since the history may be either empty,
    ## a single item or an array, the @() syntax ensures
    ## that PowerShell treats it as an array
    $history = @(get-history)

    ## If there are any items in the history, find out the
    ## Id of the final one.
    ## PowerShell defaults the $lastId variable to '0' if this
    ## code doesn't execute.
    if($history.Count -gt 0)
       $lastItem = $history[$history.Count - 1]
       $lastId = $lastItem.Id

    ## The command that we're currently entering on the prompt
    ## will be next in the history. Because of that, we'll
    ## take the last history Id and add one to it.
    $nextCommand = $lastId + 1

    ## Get the current location
    $currentDirectory = get-location

    ## Set the Windows Title to  the current location
    $host.ui.RawUI.WindowTitle = "PS: " + $currentDirectory

    ## And create a prompt that shows the command number,
    ## and current location
    "PS:$nextCommand $currentDirectory `n$($depth_string)>"

O seguinte lhe dará o equivalente a $m.

$mydrive = $pwd.Drive.Name + ":";
$networkShare = (gwmi -class "Win32_MappedLogicalDisk" -filter "DeviceID = '$mydrive'");

if ($networkShare -ne $null)
    $networkPath = $networkShare.ProviderName

Graças às dicas em:

No PowerShell, como posso determinar se a unidade atual é uma unidade de rede ou não?
No PowerShell, como posso determinar a raiz de uma unidade (supondo que seja uma unidade em rede)?

Eu consegui fazê-lo funcionar.

Meu perfil completo é:

function prompt
   ## Initialize vars
   $depth_string = ""

   ## Get the Stack -Pushd count
   $depth = (get-location -Stack).count

   ## Create a string that has $depth plus signs
   $depth_string = "+" * $depth

   ## Get the history. Since the history may be either empty,
   ## a single item or an array, the @() syntax ensures
   ## that PowerShell treats it as an array
   $history = @(get-history)

   ## If there are any items in the history, find out the
   ## Id of the final one.
   ## PowerShell defaults the $lastId variable to '0' if this
   ## code doesn't execute.
   if($history.Count -gt 0)
      $lastItem = $history[$history.Count - 1]
      $lastId = $lastItem.Id

   ## The command that we're currently entering on the prompt
   ## will be next in the history. Because of that, we'll
   ## take the last history Id and add one to it.
   $nextCommand = $lastId + 1

   ## Get the current location
   $currentDirectory = get-location

   ## Set the Windows Title to  the current location
   $host.ui.RawUI.WindowTitle = "PS: " + $currentDirectory

        ## Get the current location's DRIVE LETTER
        $drive = (get-item ($currentDirectory))

        ## Make sure we're using a path that is not already UNC
        if ($drive.IndexOf(":") -ne "-1")
                $root_dir = (get-wmiobject Win32_LogicalDisk | ? {$_.deviceid -eq $drive.Trim("\") } | % { $_.providername })+" "

   ## And create a prompt that shows the command number,
   ## and current location
   "PS:$nextCommand $root_dir$currentDirectory `n$($depth_string)>"
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