
No meu algoritmo, preciso criar saída de informações. Devo escrever matriz booleana no arquivo BMP. Deve ser uma imagem monocrômica, onde o pixel é branco se a matriz nesse elemento for verdadeira. O principal problema é o cabeçalho do BMP e como escrever isso.

Foi útil?


Sem o uso de qualquer outra biblioteca, você pode olhar para o Formato de arquivo BMP. Eu o implementei no passado e isso pode ser feito sem muito trabalho.

Estruturas de arquivo de bitmap

Cada arquivo de bitmap contém um cabeçalho de arquivo de bitmap, um cabeçalho de informação de bitmap, uma tabela de cores e uma matriz de bytes que define os bits de bitmap. O arquivo tem o seguinte formulário:

BitmapFileHeader BMFH;
Bitmapinfoheader BMIH;
Rgbquad acolors [];
Byte abitmapbits [];

... Veja o formato de arquivo para mais detalhes

Outras dicas

Veja se isso funciona para você ... neste código, eu tinha 3 matrizes bidimensionais, chamadas vermelhas, verdes e azuis. Cada um era de tamanho [largura] [altura] e cada elemento correspondia a um pixel - espero que isso faça sentido!

FILE *f;
unsigned char *img = NULL;
int filesize = 54 + 3*w*h;  //w is your image width, h is image height, both int

img = (unsigned char *)malloc(3*w*h);

for(int i=0; i<w; i++)
    for(int j=0; j<h; j++)
        x=i; y=(h-1)-j;
        r = red[i][j]*255;
        g = green[i][j]*255;
        b = blue[i][j]*255;
        if (r > 255) r=255;
        if (g > 255) g=255;
        if (b > 255) b=255;
        img[(x+y*w)*3+2] = (unsigned char)(r);
        img[(x+y*w)*3+1] = (unsigned char)(g);
        img[(x+y*w)*3+0] = (unsigned char)(b);

unsigned char bmpfileheader[14] = {'B','M', 0,0,0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 54,0,0,0};
unsigned char bmpinfoheader[40] = {40,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0, 1,0, 24,0};
unsigned char bmppad[3] = {0,0,0};

bmpfileheader[ 2] = (unsigned char)(filesize    );
bmpfileheader[ 3] = (unsigned char)(filesize>> 8);
bmpfileheader[ 4] = (unsigned char)(filesize>>16);
bmpfileheader[ 5] = (unsigned char)(filesize>>24);

bmpinfoheader[ 4] = (unsigned char)(       w    );
bmpinfoheader[ 5] = (unsigned char)(       w>> 8);
bmpinfoheader[ 6] = (unsigned char)(       w>>16);
bmpinfoheader[ 7] = (unsigned char)(       w>>24);
bmpinfoheader[ 8] = (unsigned char)(       h    );
bmpinfoheader[ 9] = (unsigned char)(       h>> 8);
bmpinfoheader[10] = (unsigned char)(       h>>16);
bmpinfoheader[11] = (unsigned char)(       h>>24);

f = fopen("img.bmp","wb");
for(int i=0; i<h; i++)


Este é o melhor exemplo de baixo nível que eu conheço, escrito por Evercat. copiado de

void drawbmp (char * filename) {

unsigned int headers[13];
FILE * outfile;
int extrabytes;
int paddedsize;
int x; int y; int n;
int red, green, blue;

extrabytes = 4 - ((WIDTH * 3) % 4);                 // How many bytes of padding to add to each
                                                    // horizontal line - the size of which must
                                                    // be a multiple of 4 bytes.
if (extrabytes == 4)
   extrabytes = 0;

paddedsize = ((WIDTH * 3) + extrabytes) * HEIGHT;

// Headers...
// Note that the "BM" identifier in bytes 0 and 1 is NOT included in these "headers".

headers[0]  = paddedsize + 54;      // bfSize (whole file size)
headers[1]  = 0;                    // bfReserved (both)
headers[2]  = 54;                   // bfOffbits
headers[3]  = 40;                   // biSize
headers[4]  = WIDTH;  // biWidth
headers[5]  = HEIGHT; // biHeight

// Would have biPlanes and biBitCount in position 6, but they're shorts.
// It's easier to write them out separately (see below) than pretend
// they're a single int, especially with endian issues...

headers[7]  = 0;                    // biCompression
headers[8]  = paddedsize;           // biSizeImage
headers[9]  = 0;                    // biXPelsPerMeter
headers[10] = 0;                    // biYPelsPerMeter
headers[11] = 0;                    // biClrUsed
headers[12] = 0;                    // biClrImportant

outfile = fopen(filename, "wb");

// Headers begin...
// When printing ints and shorts, we write out 1 character at a time to avoid endian issues.

fprintf(outfile, "BM");

for (n = 0; n <= 5; n++)
   fprintf(outfile, "%c", headers[n] & 0x000000FF);
   fprintf(outfile, "%c", (headers[n] & 0x0000FF00) >> 8);
   fprintf(outfile, "%c", (headers[n] & 0x00FF0000) >> 16);
   fprintf(outfile, "%c", (headers[n] & (unsigned int) 0xFF000000) >> 24);

// These next 4 characters are for the biPlanes and biBitCount fields.

fprintf(outfile, "%c", 1);
fprintf(outfile, "%c", 0);
fprintf(outfile, "%c", 24);
fprintf(outfile, "%c", 0);

for (n = 7; n <= 12; n++)
   fprintf(outfile, "%c", headers[n] & 0x000000FF);
   fprintf(outfile, "%c", (headers[n] & 0x0000FF00) >> 8);
   fprintf(outfile, "%c", (headers[n] & 0x00FF0000) >> 16);
   fprintf(outfile, "%c", (headers[n] & (unsigned int) 0xFF000000) >> 24);

// Headers done, now write the data...

for (y = HEIGHT - 1; y >= 0; y--)     // BMP image format is written from bottom to top...
   for (x = 0; x <= WIDTH - 1; x++)

      red = reduce(redcount[x][y] + COLOUR_OFFSET) * red_multiplier;
      green = reduce(greencount[x][y] + COLOUR_OFFSET) * green_multiplier;
      blue = reduce(bluecount[x][y] + COLOUR_OFFSET) * blue_multiplier;

      if (red > 255) red = 255; if (red < 0) red = 0;
      if (green > 255) green = 255; if (green < 0) green = 0;
      if (blue > 255) blue = 255; if (blue < 0) blue = 0;

      // Also, it's written in (b,g,r) format...

      fprintf(outfile, "%c", blue);
      fprintf(outfile, "%c", green);
      fprintf(outfile, "%c", red);
   if (extrabytes)      // See above - BMP lines must be of lengths divisible by 4.
      for (n = 1; n <= extrabytes; n++)
         fprintf(outfile, "%c", 0);



Observe que as linhas são salvas de baixo para cima e não o contrário.

Além disso, as linhas de varredura devem ter um comprimento de byte de múltiplos de quatro, você deve inserir bytes de preenchimento no final das linhas para garantir isso.

Código C limpo para geração de imagem Bitmap (BMP)

Imagem gerada:

bitmap image

O código não usa nenhuma biblioteca além de stdio.h. Portanto, o código pode ser facilmente incorporado em outros idiomas da família C, como- C ++, C#, Java.

#include <stdio.h>

const int bytesPerPixel = 3; /// red, green, blue
const int fileHeaderSize = 14;
const int infoHeaderSize = 40;

void generateBitmapImage(unsigned char *image, int height, int width, char* imageFileName);
unsigned char* createBitmapFileHeader(int height, int width, int paddingSize);
unsigned char* createBitmapInfoHeader(int height, int width);

int main(){
    int height = 341;
    int width = 753;
    unsigned char image[height][width][bytesPerPixel];
    char* imageFileName = "bitmapImage.bmp";

    int i, j;
    for(i=0; i<height; i++){
        for(j=0; j<width; j++){
            image[i][j][2] = (unsigned char)((double)i/height*255); ///red
            image[i][j][1] = (unsigned char)((double)j/width*255); ///green
            image[i][j][0] = (unsigned char)(((double)i+j)/(height+width)*255); ///blue

    generateBitmapImage((unsigned char *)image, height, width, imageFileName);
    printf("Image generated!!");

void generateBitmapImage(unsigned char *image, int height, int width, char* imageFileName){

    unsigned char padding[3] = {0, 0, 0};
    int paddingSize = (4 - (width*bytesPerPixel) % 4) % 4;

    unsigned char* fileHeader = createBitmapFileHeader(height, width, paddingSize);
    unsigned char* infoHeader = createBitmapInfoHeader(height, width);

    FILE* imageFile = fopen(imageFileName, "wb");

    fwrite(fileHeader, 1, fileHeaderSize, imageFile);
    fwrite(infoHeader, 1, infoHeaderSize, imageFile);

    int i;
    for(i=0; i<height; i++){
        fwrite(image+(i*width*bytesPerPixel), bytesPerPixel, width, imageFile);
        fwrite(padding, 1, paddingSize, imageFile);


unsigned char* createBitmapFileHeader(int height, int width, int paddingSize){
    int fileSize = fileHeaderSize + infoHeaderSize + (bytesPerPixel*width+paddingSize) * height;

    static unsigned char fileHeader[] = {
        0,0, /// signature
        0,0,0,0, /// image file size in bytes
        0,0,0,0, /// reserved
        0,0,0,0, /// start of pixel array

    fileHeader[ 0] = (unsigned char)('B');
    fileHeader[ 1] = (unsigned char)('M');
    fileHeader[ 2] = (unsigned char)(fileSize    );
    fileHeader[ 3] = (unsigned char)(fileSize>> 8);
    fileHeader[ 4] = (unsigned char)(fileSize>>16);
    fileHeader[ 5] = (unsigned char)(fileSize>>24);
    fileHeader[10] = (unsigned char)(fileHeaderSize + infoHeaderSize);

    return fileHeader;

unsigned char* createBitmapInfoHeader(int height, int width){
    static unsigned char infoHeader[] = {
        0,0,0,0, /// header size
        0,0,0,0, /// image width
        0,0,0,0, /// image height
        0,0, /// number of color planes
        0,0, /// bits per pixel
        0,0,0,0, /// compression
        0,0,0,0, /// image size
        0,0,0,0, /// horizontal resolution
        0,0,0,0, /// vertical resolution
        0,0,0,0, /// colors in color table
        0,0,0,0, /// important color count

    infoHeader[ 0] = (unsigned char)(infoHeaderSize);
    infoHeader[ 4] = (unsigned char)(width    );
    infoHeader[ 5] = (unsigned char)(width>> 8);
    infoHeader[ 6] = (unsigned char)(width>>16);
    infoHeader[ 7] = (unsigned char)(width>>24);
    infoHeader[ 8] = (unsigned char)(height    );
    infoHeader[ 9] = (unsigned char)(height>> 8);
    infoHeader[10] = (unsigned char)(height>>16);
    infoHeader[11] = (unsigned char)(height>>24);
    infoHeader[12] = (unsigned char)(1);
    infoHeader[14] = (unsigned char)(bytesPerPixel*8);

    return infoHeader;

Aqui está uma variante C ++ do código que funciona para mim. Observe que eu tive que alterar o tamanho da computação para explicar o preenchimento de linha.

// mimeType = "image/bmp";

unsigned char file[14] = {
    'B','M', // magic
    0,0,0,0, // size in bytes
    0,0, // app data
    0,0, // app data
    40+14,0,0,0 // start of data offset
unsigned char info[40] = {
    40,0,0,0, // info hd size
    0,0,0,0, // width
    0,0,0,0, // heigth
    1,0, // number color planes
    24,0, // bits per pixel
    0,0,0,0, // compression is none
    0,0,0,0, // image bits size
    0x13,0x0B,0,0, // horz resoluition in pixel / m
    0x13,0x0B,0,0, // vert resolutions (0x03C3 = 96 dpi, 0x0B13 = 72 dpi)
    0,0,0,0, // #colors in pallete
    0,0,0,0, // #important colors

int w=waterfallWidth;
int h=waterfallHeight;

int padSize  = (4-(w*3)%4)%4;
int sizeData = w*h*3 + h*padSize;
int sizeAll  = sizeData + sizeof(file) + sizeof(info);

file[ 2] = (unsigned char)( sizeAll    );
file[ 3] = (unsigned char)( sizeAll>> 8);
file[ 4] = (unsigned char)( sizeAll>>16);
file[ 5] = (unsigned char)( sizeAll>>24);

info[ 4] = (unsigned char)( w   );
info[ 5] = (unsigned char)( w>> 8);
info[ 6] = (unsigned char)( w>>16);
info[ 7] = (unsigned char)( w>>24);

info[ 8] = (unsigned char)( h    );
info[ 9] = (unsigned char)( h>> 8);
info[10] = (unsigned char)( h>>16);
info[11] = (unsigned char)( h>>24);

info[20] = (unsigned char)( sizeData    );
info[21] = (unsigned char)( sizeData>> 8);
info[22] = (unsigned char)( sizeData>>16);
info[23] = (unsigned char)( sizeData>>24);

stream.write( (char*)file, sizeof(file) );
stream.write( (char*)info, sizeof(info) );

unsigned char pad[3] = {0,0,0};

for ( int y=0; y<h; y++ )
    for ( int x=0; x<w; x++ )
        long red = lround( 255.0 * waterfall[x][y] );
        if ( red < 0 ) red=0;
        if ( red > 255 ) red=255;
        long green = red;
        long blue = red;

        unsigned char pixel[3];
        pixel[0] = blue;
        pixel[1] = green;
        pixel[2] = red;

        stream.write( (char*)pixel, 3 );
    stream.write( (char*)pad, padSize );

Editei o código HTP da Ralf para que ele compilasse (no GCC, executando o Ubuntu 16.04 LTS). Era apenas uma questão de inicializar as variáveis.

    int w = 100; /* Put here what ever width you want */
    int h = 100; /* Put here what ever height you want */
    int red[w][h]; 
    int green[w][h];
    int blue[w][h];

    FILE *f;
    unsigned char *img = NULL;
    int filesize = 54 + 3*w*h;  //w is your image width, h is image height, both int
    if( img )
            free( img );
    img = (unsigned char *)malloc(3*w*h);
    int x;
    int y;
    int r;
    int g;
    int b;

    for(int i=0; i<w; i++)
            for(int j=0; j<h; j++)
                    x=i; y=(h-1)-j;
                    r = red[i][j]*255;
                    g = green[i][j]*255;
                    b = blue[i][j]*255;
                    if (r > 255) r=255;
                    if (g > 255) g=255;
                    if (b > 255) b=255;
                    img[(x+y*w)*3+2] = (unsigned char)(r);
                    img[(x+y*w)*3+1] = (unsigned char)(g);
                    img[(x+y*w)*3+0] = (unsigned char)(b);

    unsigned char bmpfileheader[14] = {'B','M', 0,0,0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 54,0,0,0};
    unsigned char bmpinfoheader[40] = {40,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0, 1,0, 24,0};
    unsigned char bmppad[3] = {0,0,0};

    bmpfileheader[ 2] = (unsigned char)(filesize    );
    bmpfileheader[ 3] = (unsigned char)(filesize>> 8);
    bmpfileheader[ 4] = (unsigned char)(filesize>>16);
    bmpfileheader[ 5] = (unsigned char)(filesize>>24);

    bmpinfoheader[ 4] = (unsigned char)(       w    );
    bmpinfoheader[ 5] = (unsigned char)(       w>> 8);
    bmpinfoheader[ 6] = (unsigned char)(       w>>16);
    bmpinfoheader[ 7] = (unsigned char)(       w>>24);
    bmpinfoheader[ 8] = (unsigned char)(       h    );
    bmpinfoheader[ 9] = (unsigned char)(       h>> 8);
    bmpinfoheader[10] = (unsigned char)(       h>>16);
    bmpinfoheader[11] = (unsigned char)(       h>>24);

    f = fopen("img.bmp","wb");
    for(int i=0; i<h; i++)

Se você obtiver o Strange Colors Switches no meio da sua imagem usando a função C ++ acima. Certifique -se de abrir o extremo no modo binário:, std::ios_base::out | std::ios_base::binary);
Caso contrário, o Windows insere caracteres indesejados no meio do seu arquivo! (tenho bateu minha cabeça sobre esse assunto há horas)

Veja a pergunta relacionada aqui: Por que o ofstream insere um byte 0x0d antes do 0x0a?

Eu só queria compartilhar uma versão aprimorada do código de Minas Kamal, porque, embora funcionasse bem o suficiente para a maioria dos aplicativos, ainda tive alguns problemas com ele. Duas coisas altamente importantes para lembrar:

  1. O código (no momento da redação) liga gratuitamente () em duas matrizes estáticas. Isso fará com que seu programa falhe. Então eu comentei essas linhas.
  2. Nunca assuma que o tom de seus dados de pixel é sempre (largura*bytesperpixel). É melhor deixar o usuário especificar o valor de afinação. Exemplo: Ao manipular recursos no Direct3D, o Rowpitch nunca é garantido como um múltiplo da profundidade de bytes que está sendo usado. Isso pode causar erros nos seus bitmaps gerados (especialmente em resoluções ímpares como 1366x768).

Abaixo, você pode ver minhas revisões para o código dele:

const int bytesPerPixel = 4; /// red, green, blue
const int fileHeaderSize = 14;
const int infoHeaderSize = 40;

void generateBitmapImage(unsigned char *image, int height, int width, int pitch, const char* imageFileName);
unsigned char* createBitmapFileHeader(int height, int width, int pitch, int paddingSize);
unsigned char* createBitmapInfoHeader(int height, int width);

void generateBitmapImage(unsigned char *image, int height, int width, int pitch, const char* imageFileName) {

    unsigned char padding[3] = { 0, 0, 0 };
    int paddingSize = (4 - (/*width*bytesPerPixel*/ pitch) % 4) % 4;

    unsigned char* fileHeader = createBitmapFileHeader(height, width, pitch, paddingSize);
    unsigned char* infoHeader = createBitmapInfoHeader(height, width);

    FILE* imageFile = fopen(imageFileName, "wb");

    fwrite(fileHeader, 1, fileHeaderSize, imageFile);
    fwrite(infoHeader, 1, infoHeaderSize, imageFile);

    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < height; i++) {
        fwrite(image + (i*pitch /*width*bytesPerPixel*/), bytesPerPixel, width, imageFile);
        fwrite(padding, 1, paddingSize, imageFile);


unsigned char* createBitmapFileHeader(int height, int width, int pitch, int paddingSize) {
    int fileSize = fileHeaderSize + infoHeaderSize + (/*bytesPerPixel*width*/pitch + paddingSize) * height;

    static unsigned char fileHeader[] = {
        0,0, /// signature
        0,0,0,0, /// image file size in bytes
        0,0,0,0, /// reserved
        0,0,0,0, /// start of pixel array

    fileHeader[0] = (unsigned char)('B');
    fileHeader[1] = (unsigned char)('M');
    fileHeader[2] = (unsigned char)(fileSize);
    fileHeader[3] = (unsigned char)(fileSize >> 8);
    fileHeader[4] = (unsigned char)(fileSize >> 16);
    fileHeader[5] = (unsigned char)(fileSize >> 24);
    fileHeader[10] = (unsigned char)(fileHeaderSize + infoHeaderSize);

    return fileHeader;

unsigned char* createBitmapInfoHeader(int height, int width) {
    static unsigned char infoHeader[] = {
        0,0,0,0, /// header size
        0,0,0,0, /// image width
        0,0,0,0, /// image height
        0,0, /// number of color planes
        0,0, /// bits per pixel
        0,0,0,0, /// compression
        0,0,0,0, /// image size
        0,0,0,0, /// horizontal resolution
        0,0,0,0, /// vertical resolution
        0,0,0,0, /// colors in color table
        0,0,0,0, /// important color count

    infoHeader[0] = (unsigned char)(infoHeaderSize);
    infoHeader[4] = (unsigned char)(width);
    infoHeader[5] = (unsigned char)(width >> 8);
    infoHeader[6] = (unsigned char)(width >> 16);
    infoHeader[7] = (unsigned char)(width >> 24);
    infoHeader[8] = (unsigned char)(height);
    infoHeader[9] = (unsigned char)(height >> 8);
    infoHeader[10] = (unsigned char)(height >> 16);
    infoHeader[11] = (unsigned char)(height >> 24);
    infoHeader[12] = (unsigned char)(1);
    infoHeader[14] = (unsigned char)(bytesPerPixel * 8);

    return infoHeader;
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