
How to get tr count from html table by using Id.Please check my code below

<table id="tableId">
<tr id="a">
<tr id="b">

Now I want to find rowNumber by using row Id.for example my rowId is 'b' I want to find rowNumber for this Id.Any one help me

No correct solution


Here you go

var table = document.getElementById("tableId");
var rowIndex = document.getElementById("b").rowIndex;

Added the code for deletion, as requested in the comments below.

It's very using with jquery

<script src=""></script>
    var rowCount = $('table#tableId tr:#b').index() + 1;
    $("#b").remove() // For Remove b  Row (tr) 


<table id="tableId">
    <tr id="a">
    <tr id="b">

If you want to remove the row with id b


If you have the Id within any cell, then the below should work

document.getElementById("myID "+tempIdx).parentNode.parentNode.rowIndex;

provided table is in the below format

        <p id="myID 1" />
    <p id="myID 2" />
    <p id="myID 3" />

The first .parentNode will give the CELL the second will give the ROW, then get the INDEX from the ROW

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