
I am just after upgrading to XCode 4.

I am developed a simple game engine on OSX and iOS using C/C++ (with some Objective C for setting up window). I am using OpenGL for graphical programming and I have a interface made in Interface Builder sitting around the NSOpenGL view window. For my testing of different pieces of functionality I rely heavily on being able to print with cout << or printf(..).

My project worked fine in XCode 3. But in XCode 4 after a few dozen lines the debug area's output stops printing out from my program. Has anyone else experienced this problem and been able to fix it?

It is realy causing problems for me in development, and I am considering purchasing a new mac in he next 6 months so I need to use XCode 4 for this project.

No correct solution


Perhaps try switching to a different debugger and then back again to the one you want? Maybe a full shut down in between.

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