
D2009 introduces PNG support for Images and Imagelists.


I have an imagelist containing png images with alpha. I want to place one of these on a form using a TImage. How do I do this and get the image nicely composited?

As an example of the problem I'm facing the code below fails to work correctly, and produces the effect shown:

ImageList.GetBitmap(index, Image1.Picture.Bitmap);

alt text

To explain a bit more:

Drop a Timage on a form, and at design time, load a PNG file with alpha using the Picture property. Note how it is correctly composited with full transparency onto the form.

Now, at design time, add a second empty Timage, add a TImagelist, and add the same PNG to the imagelist. How can I assign the PNG in the TImageList to the second TImage, and have it look identical to the first one?

No correct solution


From my research I found that TImageList stores the images as TBitmaps, so the alpha information is lost on storage, and you can't achieve what you're looking for with the current implementation of TImageList.


A little more experiments and with the code below i could make transparency work with the code below.

ImageList1.ColorDepth := cd32Bit;
Image2.Transparent := True;
Image2.Canvas.Pen.Style := psClear;
Image2.Canvas.Rectangle(0, 0, Image2.Width+1, Image2.Height+1);
ImageList1.Draw(Image2.Canvas, 0,0,0);

But it didn't look as pretty as a loaded png.

Check the Enable Runtime Themes in the tab at
Project -> Options -> Application tab

This solved my problem for me in RAD Studio 2010.

I just tried a simple test. TImageList contains a PNG image with transparency. I render the image on the second TImage using:

imlImageList.Draw(img2.Canvas, 0, 0, 0);

What made the difference for me was setting img2.Transparent := true (I used the designer, not code).

I stumbled over this discussion-thread:

Tranparent PNGs in D2009 TImageList

@Pekka Nyyssonen: Setting ColorDepth to cd32Bit and DrawingStyle to dsTransparent worked for me.

I don't have access to delphi 2009 my self so I havn't tried it out, though...

There are several ways to add transparent images to an image list.

With AddMasked or InsertMasked, you add an image and tags a color to be the transparent color:

procedure InsertMasked(Index: Integer; Image: TBitmap; MaskColor: TColor);
function AddMasked(Image: TBitmap; MaskColor: TColor): Integer;

With Insert or Add, you add an image and a mask. The mask if a 2 color (black/white) image where only the white pixels from the image are used, the others are transparent.

function Add(Image, Mask: TBitmap): Integer;
procedure Insert(Index: Integer; Image, Mask: TBitmap);

To the best of my knowledge, this cannot be acheived. None of the suggestions given result in a properly alpha-blended image, which is the primary requirement.

Maybe by defining a class derived from TImageList, which can then access protected methods, something could be got to work. My solution for now is to use a third-party custom ImageList component specifically for this.

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