Using libcurl to fetch records from redis data structure as database based on keywords.


  •  21-12-2019
  •  | 


I have an application where in I crawl a website, scrape it's contents & store it in Redis data structure as a database in form. I am using Html tidy for converting website in Xml. Then parsing of the xml document by RapidXml & data binding is done by Code synthesis XSD. I am using C++ language for this module. My question is, how do I use libcurl to fetch records based on keywords from redis ? Any help would be highly appreciated, if not the code any links or any direction is also extremely valuable. Thank you.

No correct solution


If you use C++, you can use the hiredis C redis client.

If you really want to use libcurl, here is the Redis protocol explained. If you don't want to use the Redis protocol directly, use a RESTful interface like RestMQ or Webdis

Hope this helps, TW

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