
I'm working on yet another framework for PHP, and have run into a small dilemma. I'm currently working with the core modules, which all are supposed to work stand-alone but I'd like to have a class that creates a default setup or environment that can be used directly or extended by your app. So I need to find a good term/name for this class.

Current candidates:

  • Engine
  • Environment
  • Main
  • Base
  • Init / Initializer
  • Bootstrap
  • App / Application (Chosen!)

The class resides in the Core-namespace, i.e. Framework/Core/ClassName.

Since I can't decide on which one to use I'm hoping you guys can help me pick the right one by shedding some more light on the terminologies of frameworks. I welcome new additions to the list above.

Just to make this as clear as possible, here's an example of how it's intended to be used:

use Framework/Core/ClassName as App;

// Create instance
$app = new App;

// Static initialization

The above will setup a default environment with the most commonly used features of a modern framework. It will load config and url files from default locations and also setup default dispatch routes.

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i usually try to use separate my Application and Config objects. Like

class MyApp extends App
     task specific methods

class MyConfig extends Config
     task specific settings

$app = new MyApp(new MyConfig);

The former can be called App(lication), Engine, Dispatcher, etc - something that emphasises it "actor" nature, the latter can be Environment, Config, Settings, Options etc.


Just did a small front-controler based app quite similar to your implementation. I named my initialisaation class a very unoriginal "Init". It's the class that loads settings, sets up error handling, logging and optionaly, db connection and site-wide registry.

TlDR: Init is the name I retained for this when faced with same question.

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