
Ok so in mobile safari you can pull up a web page and touch and hold on an image to save it to the iPhone's photo library. In a UIWebview on a view this does not happen (it pops up the alt-text and never prompts you). I'm wondering if anyone knows a way to turn this feature on.

No correct solution


One way to do it (on tap) would be to

  1. grab the content
  2. Do smart img tag finding to find all img tags
  3. find / replace with a link to some arbitrary place
  4. overload - (BOOL)webView:(UIWebView *)webView shouldStartLoadWithRequest:(NSURLRequest *)request navigationType:(UIWebViewNavigationType)navigationType in your delegate
  5. intercept all links that contain
  6. Use the REAL_IMG_SRC to download/present save options/etc...
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