
Let's say that I have a dictionary of controls and strings. If I run a background worker, is it thread safe to use the control reference to access the string corresponding to the control?

Dictionary<Control, string> _ctlDict;
//Called in the main thread
public void Persist()
  foreach (var control in Controls)
    _ctlDict.Add(control, control.Name);

//Called in the background worker
public string GetControlName(Control ctl)
  return _ctlDict[ctl];

This should be OK because I am not using any of the controls' properties - I am just using the control's reference, right?

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As long as you don't access properties or methods of the control, yes, it's perfectly safe. It's just an object reference, the fact that it points to a control doesn't matter...


The only thing that you have to be sure, is Persist and GetControlName must not be called at same time.

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