
I have a movieClip on the stage with a loaded swf playing animation and sound. I want to export the movieclip to swf. I thought I would be able to do something similar to the jpeg export?. The main swf and the one being loaded in to be copied are on the same server.

I've searched about but I have not come across anything that outlines what needs to be done. Any chance of a bit more in-depth explanation as to how to accomplish this?

I did have one post on here already about where someone had a similar question but the moders felt a need to delete it :(

No correct solution


There's a library called Ming which might suit your needs.

Also, as serverside swf generation is not trivial, do you really need it? If you need a dynamic swf, you could also create a template and create the content using flashvars in combination with a serverside language like PHP.

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