
I need to use p:selectonemenu and make it disabled, i.e. it should be submitted during a post but it should be read-only. Please note that I do NOT want to use the disabled attribute as this will prevent posting.

I have read on this forum that this can be achieved by using a hidden field, however I do not understand how this can be implemented. I would appreciate if someone out there could provide me with some help in this regard.

<p:inputText id="cpr" value="#{customerbean.customer.cpr}">
    <p:ajax event="change" listener="#{customerbean.fetchCustomerDatafromCBS}" update="nationality address passportno name nationality dob address mailingaddress gender mobileno landlineno otherno email maritalstatus nochildren" immediate="true" >
         <f:param name="cprNumber" value="#{customerbean.customer.cpr}"/>
    <f:validator validatorId="cprValidator" />                    

<p:selectOneMenu id="gender" value="#{customerbean.customer.gender}" required="!#{customerbean.disabled}" requiredMessage="#{text['validation.error.required.gender']}" disabled="#{customerbean.disabled}">                      
    <f:selectItem itemLabel="Select One" itemValue="" noSelectionOption="true" />  
    <f:selectItem itemLabel="Male" itemValue="Male" />  
    <f:selectItem itemLabel="Female" itemValue="Female"  />  

<p:inputText  type="hidden" value="#{customerbean.customer.gender}" />
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I have read on this forum that this can be achieved by using a hidden field, however I do not understand how this can be implemented.

Make the <p:selectOneMenu> disabled, and create a <p:inputText type="hidden" value="#{}" />. The value attribute must be the same as the <p:selectOneMenu>. If necessary, use the same converter.

This way, the <p:selectOneMenu> will be disabled to the user, but the value will be submitted by the hidden <p:inputText />.

Remember that the hidden input is still a <p:inputText />, and thus it needs to be updated when its value changes. Assign an ID to it, and make sure you add it to the update of your <p:ajax />.

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