
I'm building a service that returns an XML (no SOAP, no ATOM, just plain old XML). Say that I have my domain objects already filled with data and just need to transform them to the XML format. What options do I have on .NET?


  • The transformation is not 1:1. Say that I have an Address property of type Address with nested properties like Line1, City, Postcode etc. This may need to result in an XML like <xaddr city="...">Line1, Postcode</xaddr>, i.e. quite different.
  • Some XML elements/attributes are conditional, for example, if a Customer is under 18, the XML needs to contain some additional information.
  • I only need to serialize the objects to XML, the other direction (XML to objects) is not important
  • Some technologies, i.e. Data Contracts use .NET attributes. Other means of configuration (external XML config, buddy classes etc.) would be a plus.

Here are the options as I see them as the moment. Corrections / additions will be very welcome.

  • String concatenation - forget it, it was a joke :)
  • Linq 2 XML - complete control but quite a lot of hand written code, would need good suite of unit tests
  • View engines in ASP.NET MVC (or even Web Forms theoretically), the logic being in controllers. It's a question how to structure it, I can have simple rules engine in my controller(s) and one view template per each possible output, or have the decision logic directly in the template. Both have upsides and downsides.
  • XML Serialization - I'm not sure about the flexibility here
  • Data Contracts from WCF - not sure about the flexibility either, plus would they work in a simple ASP.NET MVC app (non-WCF service)? Are they a super-set of the standard XML serialization now?
  • If it exists, some XML-to-object mapper. The more I think about it the more I think I'm looking for something like this but I couldn't find anything appropriate.

Any comments / other options?

No correct solution


Xml Serialization works nicely. You use attributes to configure it.

You can conditionally include elements.

EDIT: I've updated the code to reflect your updated question.

[XmlRoot("pdata")]  // this element name used if serialized to doc root
public class PersonalData
     [XmlElement]  // with no name here, elt name = prop name
     public string Name;

     [XmlElement]  // with no name here, elt name = prop name
     public int Age;

     [XmlElement("xaddr")]  // override xml element name 
     public AddressData Address;

     public Under18Info Other {get; set;}

     // serialize the above element, only if Age < 18
     [XmlIgnore] // do not serialize the *Specified" property in any case
     private bool OtherSpecified {
        get { return Age < 18; }

public class AddressData
     [XmlIgnore]   // do not serialize (see Composite prop)
     public string Line1 { get; set;}

     [XmlAttribute("city")] // serialize as an attribute on the parent 
     public string City {get; set;}

     [XmlIgnore]   // do not serialize 
     public string Postcode {get; set;}

     [XmlText]   // serialize as the Text node
     public string Composite 
        get { return Line1 + ", " + Postcode; }
        set {
          var split = value.Split(',');
          Line1 = split[0];
          Postcode= split[1];

Then, to serialize an instance of that to a string, for example:

var pdata = new PersonalData
        Name = "Gordon Brown",
        Age = 57,
        Address = new AddressData
            Line1 = "10 Downing St.",
            Postcode = "1QR 3E4",
            City = "London"

var ns= new System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializerNamespaces();
ns.Add( "", "");
var s1 = new XmlSerializer(typeof(PersonalData));
var builder = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
var xmlws = new System.Xml.XmlWriterSettings { OmitXmlDeclaration = true, Indent= true };
using ( var writer = System.Xml.XmlWriter.Create(builder, xmlws))
    s1.Serialize(writer, pdata, ns);
string xml = builder.ToString();


  <Name>Gordon Brown</Name>
  <xaddr city="London">10 Downing St., 1QR 3E4</xaddr>
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