
I want to search a specific Outlook folder, find the most recently-sent email, and save its attachments to a specific dir.

I wrote the following script, but it does not work. Can someone please suggest what needs to be changed in order for it to work?

Also - where can I find a list of Outlook- and Office-specific methods and properties I can use in PowerShell? I tried googling but could not find an official MSDN page for it.

#file path
$filepath = “C:\folder”
$account = "JonDoe@company.com"

#set outlook to open
$o = New-Object -comobject outlook.application
$n = $o.GetNamespace(“MAPI”)

$Account = $n.Folders | ? { $_.Name -eq $account };
    $f = $Account.Folders | ? { $_.Name -match 'FolderNameToSearch' };

$date = $f.Items| Select-Object -Property ReceivedTime | Sort-Object ReceivedTime -Descending | Select-Object -Index 0

#Write-Host $date

$f.Items | foreach 
   if ($_.ReceivedTime -match $date )
        $_.attachments | foreach 
            #Write-Host $_.filename
            $a = $_.filename
            $_.saveasfile((Join-Path $filepath $a))

Edit 3/4/14 - I stepped through the script, and I believe it is failing on $_.ReceivedTime -match $date

I added the following code to test the values of the Email ReceivedTime datestamps vs the datestamp stored by $date:

Write-Host "The date I am looking for is $date"

$f.Items | foreach {
   Write-Host $_.ReceivedTime

and here is part of the output:

The date I am looking for is @{ReceivedTime=03/04/2014 03:16:08}
3/4/2014 3:16:08 AM

Even though the dates are the same, the data types are different. What is the most elegant way to get $date to datetime or vice versa?

Это было полезно?


First, you're trying too hard. You're looping through your emails twice looking for the exact same email, and that's just redundant. Second, Get-Date <DateTime Object/DateTime String> is your friend, but you don't even need it. If you really, really, really want to sort the emails and select the date/time of the first one, then filter them for that one date/time I suppose you can, and here's what you'd want:

if ((get-date $_.ReceivedTime) -eq (get-date $date))

I think a better solution would be replacing:

$date = $f.Items| Select-Object -Property ReceivedTime | Sort-Object ReceivedTime -Descending | Select-Object -Index 0


$email = $f.Items| Sort-Object ReceivedTime -Descending | Select-Object -First 1

Then you can do things like:

Write-Output "Last email received at $($email.receivedtime), attached file(s) are: (if any)
$email.attachments|%{Write-Output $_.filename}


$email.attachments|%{$_.saveasfile((join-path $folder $_.filename))

Personally I'd add a If($email.attachments.count -gt 0){Do Stuff}else{Write-Output "Latest email at $($email.receivedtime) has no attachments!"} bit in there.

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