JavaScript: Why does overriding the toString() method of an object cause chrome to lose the object name in error messages?


  •  19-10-2022
  •  | 


Given the code below:

/*Class with  overridden toString() */
function Stringy(name){ = name;
Stringy.prototype.test = function () {return 'test'};
Stringy.prototype.toString = function () {return 'Stringy'};

/*Class with default toString() */
function NoStringy(name){ = name;
NoStringy.prototype.test = function () {return 'test'};

In our Stringy class the instance's toString() works properly when forcing a conversion to string or calling the toString() method. However, the error message displays Object [object Object].

In the NoStringy class the error message has the correct object name, but uses the default Object to string method to identify it's self.

Is there no way to have a custom toString() and get the correct object Class in the error messages? Why would overriding the toString() break this functionality? Could this be a bug?

I'm using Chrome Version 33.0.1750.117 m.

Here is the test or check out the fiddle:

test(new Stringy('Stringy instance'));
test(new NoStringy('NoStrigy instance'));

function test(i){
    var name =;
    var display = document.getElementById('display');

    display.innerHTML += ('<br>----Testing: <i>' + name + '</i>-----<br>');
    display.innerHTML += (name + ': ' + i + '<br>');
    display.innerHTML += (name + '.toString(): ' + i.toString() + '<br>');
    display.innerHTML +=(name+'.foo(): ''<br>')
    e = e.message.replace('<', '').replace('>', '');
    display.innerHTML +=(name+'.foo(): '+e+'<br>')

The output is:

----Testing: Stringy instance-----
Stringy instance: **Stringy**
Stringy instance.toString(): Stringy
Stringy **Object [object Object]** has no method 'foo'

----Testing: NoStrigy instance-----
NoStrigy instance: **[object Object]**
NoStrigy instance.toString(): [object Object]
NoStrigy **Object #NoStringy** has no method 'foo'

The constructors in both objects point to the proper constructor so the console shows the correct constructor name as well.

console output of each instance:

Stringy {name: "Stringy instance", test: function, toString: function}
 - name: "Stringy instance"
 - __proto__: Stringy
   - constructor: function Stringy(name){
   - test: function () {return 'test'}
   - toString: function () {return 'Stringy'}
   - __proto__: Object

NoStringy {name: "NoStrigy instance", test: function}
 - name: "NoStrigy instance"
 - __proto__: NoStringy
   - constructor: function NoStringy(name){
   - test: function () {return 'test'}
   - __proto__: Object

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